How Do You Breed Red Cherry Shrimp?


Fish Aficionado
Aug 20, 2009
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land of the scots!
As topic :)

I have them in a 10L tank, with heater set to 27C and a cycled filter.
I have about 10, and i feed them Tropical flakes once every 2 days, they are in a tank with ramshorn and MTS Snails.

Thinking of just closing that tank now, to concentrate on Marine... IDK :/

Help would be good! :)
I have had them for a month. I got them when they were TINY. :)

I do a 10% water change a week.

Will try feeding them more. at what age do they become *adults*. Im guessing they are around 5 Weeks :)

And Yup, i have java fern and an anubia Baterie(sp?) in the tank, they like climbing on it!!
From my experience they become sexually mature around at least two months of age. I had one female have a batch of baby shrimp in September. For some unknown reason, a couple of weeks after the females eggs hatched, all of the adults in my tank died. The babies survived, though. The babies are all grown up now, and I have two who are carrying eggs and another two or three who have saddles. So, I wouldn't really suggest feeding them more, but just wait until they grow up :D
From my experience they become sexually mature around at least two months of age. I had one female have a batch of baby shrimp in September. For some unknown reason, a couple of weeks after the females eggs hatched, all of the adults in my tank died. The babies survived, though. The babies are all grown up now, and I have two who are carrying eggs and another two or three who have saddles. So, I wouldn't really suggest feeding them more, but just wait until they grow up :D

Cool. Thanks for the advice! :) I suppose they are young then. :good:
Add a female and a male to a tank that is above 16C and they will breed regardless of water quality provided were not talking about near death levels of toxins. Vary their diet a bit with live foods or frozen and veges it improves their colouration. Also add some plants like Elodea/anacharis and mosses to help encourage infusoria growth which the shrimp feed upon.
well, that plan is out the window.

They all died yesterday as i put new plants in, i think they were treated with copper :/
I wrote an article about this just type in breeding the red
cherry Shrimp

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