How do you breed dojos


New Member
Nov 2, 2004
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I have 16 dojos (weather loach) some are lighter color then the rest and i'm trying to breed them to get albino loaches any advice? Oh and all my dojos i caught in my stream on my property
are you sure they breed well in my mand made pond, but the pond does have water flowing in and out witch keeps it cool and ow i have 22 dojos this weekend i should have a lot more
Spawning takes place in the spring to the beginning of summer, before water temperatures are too warm. It is believed that a slight rise in temperature after several months will trigger spawning. Spawning follows a courtship ritual between a breeding pair, this may last for some time, fertalized eggs will hatch after 3 days. For the first week the fry feed on infusoria, after which they may be fed on newly hatched brine shrimp.
thanks oh i cought an albino loach well mostly albino you can still make out some spots

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