How Do You Attach External Heaters And Uv Steriilisers

They work by having the hosing cut, and the heater installed between the two ends of the newly cut pipe. The 200 watt might fit if you use jubiliee clips, but fluval use strange sized hose, and it will be a bit hit and miss on fitting. I presume its the same with UV's aswell.

you will be lucky with a exturnal UV the hose conections are universal you just cut the hose conetions down to size and add jubilee clips

im not sure about the hearter you were showing the link to but if its the same as other hydor exturnal heaters the 200w will have 12-16mm hose and the 300w with have 16-22mm hose

if you have ribbed fluwho hose then you wont be able to use the exturnal heater

the UV can take both types of hose but you need diffrent jubilee clips for the ribbed hose

bot heater and UV go on the return pipe back to the tank

you can buy them heaters much cheaper on ebay the price on the site you poster was £43
look at the ebay price yourself :rolleyes:
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