How do you all keep your decholorinated


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, California, USA
i have a 5 gallon bucket i bought from a hardware store i use it all then fill it up again and put the dechor. in it

i was wondering if some of you guys with armies of really big tanks have your own "dechlorinated water tap" or something like that with an infinitely large supply of fish-friendly water heh
I life on a plot, and have only well water.. I have pluming running right to the tank and a overflow out again, I just turn on the tap for 5 min every other day..

The water was tested just 6month ago it it soft metal free I think the PH was 6.8, then but it read about 7.2 on my PH kit so its not Discus good but I dont have any so I'm happy.
If you are using plastic, its recommended that you use 'food safe' plastic that wont leach toxins into the water. Look for the 'knife and fork'symbol on the bottom of the container to check if its food safe.

Hi Xellos69 :)

I have quite a few tanks and just carry water back and forth from the kitchen in a 2 gallon pot. I can't carry and lift anything heavier than that.

I prefer to use a dechlorinator that can be added by the drop so that I can dechlorinate each potful as I am filling it. :nod:
i find that tap water is horrible for fish (well in the area that i live in it is don't know about others) so i use RO water and it's done wonders for my fish. i know what the chemicals in my tank are and theres nothing like phosphate in there so less algee.
My water here is really good (very little NitrAte even) so I just run the tap into a bucket with conditioner in and then syphon it into my tank.

Glad I don't have to faff with chemicals and RO units.
I do the 5 gallon bucket with the declor routine, makes it easier to keep an eye on the temp. Trying to work out an alternative to heaving buckets, python would be nice, but my sink is all the way at the other end of the basement, making temp adjustments a wild dash back & forth. Thinking of getting a water safe 55 gallon drum and a submersable heater for the fishroom. Fill it a few days before, let it heat and pump it out to refill the tanks, much like the guys with r.o. units do.

I just ordered a python siphon,no more hauling water for me. I decided to break down and pay for it,I'm ganna be bustng my can at work now last thing I wanna do is haul water. :rolleyes:
I have 2-7 gallon containers that I fill from 2-2.5 gallon buckets. I fill the buckets with water and put my dechlorinator into it, then fill the 7 gal. containers from the buckets. I always have an aged container of water available if I keep up with the dechlorination. :p

Like some of the others I use a 5 gallon bucket to do water changes. The sink is much too far away from my tank. I just add dechlorinator into the bucket with new water.
local water here is of good quality (Our water gets shipped as far north as sydney sometimes) so I just use that with conditioner, run it back and forth from the kitchen sink with a watering can. Tends to stop water messing up the tanks and stuff.
I do much the same as the other guy's, I syphon the tank water into a large refuse bin (40 litre's), I do that twice and then i fill the bin with fresh water from the bath and add dechlorinater to each bin before i put it back in, I do that once a week in my large tank and it only takes me about twenty minutes.
But how do you get the 10% or 20% water out of the tank, i'm considering putting a glass or lunchbox in and doing it bit by bit with a bucket handy, but that might frighten the fish, is there an easier way
pandapops001 said:
But how do you get the 10% or 20% water out of the tank, i'm considering putting a glass or lunchbox in and doing it bit by bit with a bucket handy, but that might frighten the fish, is there an easier way
Use a siphon tube/gravel vacuum. They are cheap and the best for getting water out of the tank.

pandapops001 said:
But how do you get the 10% or 20% water out of the tank, i'm considering putting a glass or lunchbox in and doing it bit by bit with a bucket handy, but that might frighten the fish, is there an easier way
Hi pandapops001 :)

You need to get a siphon hose that will suck the water out and vacuum the debris and fish wastes from the bottom of the tank, at the same time.

If you want to start a new thread to ask for more information and find out just how do use one, I think you'll get a lot of good replies. :nod:

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