How Do Use/feed Frozen Brine Shrimp?


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2010
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Hi guys just bin to the lfs and came back with some Salt lake city brand frozen brine shrimp but ive never used it before.

Could some one plz advise how to use it properly? do i need to defrost it?

Thanks in advance :) :) :)
I put a block in an old jam jar full of water and leave it to defrost and then pour it into an old tea strainer and wash it under the tap, but you can just pour it in from the jar.
get a plasic cup and put some tank water in it, drop the frozen cube in and let it thaw, then just dump it in.
I just put mine on a saucer and leave it for 10 mins - then its defrosted and ready for use. I then put a bit in at a time with a teaspoon at various ends of the tank to make sure everyone gets their fair share! :good:
I just drop the cube in the tank then it should float and let them pick at it.

Just to note ive not used frozen brineshrimp. only daphne and bloodoworm. They pick like mad at the bloodworm compared to the dahpne.
I use tweezers after defrosting in warm water. Problem with just dropping it in is any thing not eaten will cause extra waste in the water.
I put in a little egg cup with some hot water, leave it to defrost for a while then just add it in each end of my tank a but at a time until a) it's all gone or b) the fish stop eating ..... Whichever comes first!!!
lol next time ill put it in bit by bit i didnt think there would be so much. I ended up netting aload out and doing an extra water change on the quarintine tank to get the rest out nice and clean aqain tho. :)
I like to buy the flat sheets of bloodworm and brine shrimp, then I can break off little hunks and toss it in. No need to defrost and you can control the size.
ive got freeze dried bloodworm as part of there diet just a small amount every 2 days as ive heard to much is bad.

I wanted to use something a bit more natural to give my recovering fish a boost, I didnt want to go down the route of shop bought livefood as im to paranoid of bringing nasties in the tank via this method.

I think the brineshrimp will now become part of there main diet unless to much can be a bad thing???
The flat sheets are frozen, just easier to portion then the cubes. I would only give it 2-3 times a week. It lacks alot of the vitamins and nutrition that fish need as a staple.

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