The python has an on/off valve at the tank end - I always do water changes on my own. I position the hose in the tank switched to Off, then go into my kitchen and switch the tap on full to drain, then jog back into the living room and flick the switch, then vacuum the gravel and drain as normal. When I've taken enough water out I actually hold the hose out of the water for a minute so that the dirty water in the 50' of hose drains out. Then I flick the Off switch and jog back into the kitchen. You can't leave it switched to Off with the water on (either for draining or filling) for too long as pressure builds up, but it's fine for the time it takes to get from one room to another. I have my python connected to the mixer tap in my kitchen, so I get the temperature right, then set it to Fill, then jog back into the living room and flick the switch to On again. I then add declorinator in 2 or 3 doses, and also stick my fingers under the water flow every now and again. If it's too hot or cold, quick jog back to the kitchen and adjust. Also having a digital thermometer just under the flow is a good idea. Once they get the hang of it most people don't get much of a temperature variation.
I agree with everyone else - if I had to do buckets I wouldn't have as many (if any!!) tanks - gotta luv your python!!