How Do I?


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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I'll be getting about 5 Cory catfish soon, not too sure what type yet as I'm torn between Albinos, Greens and Peppered. I was curious though, how exactly do I breed cory catfish? I've heard it's simple. But how do I tell which are females and which are males?
In most Corydoras species, the female when mature will be broad at the girth and larger, while the males will be smaller and svelt. When buying look for the larger fatter ones and take a chance. It will usually work although not positively, since the fish are often juvenals.
Alright, if I can't end up getting the larger ones, and only get Juvis, around how long do you estimate it'll take them to mature?? I mean, in a batch of 5 I'm likly to get atleast 1 or 2 females right?
Generally, yes. Often you can see a little difference in the body shape and size even in juvies. It may be an experienced eye though.
Now I'm aware that these fish need to be sexually mature before they can breed. How long will it take until they are?
My peppereds and bronze are breeding within the year. The emeralds I have have not yet bred or if they have I missed the eggs. I understand they will breed, but peppers and aeneus (bronze) are jiggy as juvies. The peppers and albinos (whether C. aeneus, C. paleatus, or C. sterbai--there are other albinos, but less frequently seen--C. aeneus albino are probably the most common) will breed easiest for you.

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