How Do I Use The Quote Function?


- l l a m a s -
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
maybe im stupid.. but i cant figure out how to quote things..

and the word ''quote'' isnt allowed in the search :crazy:

i played with it for awhile .. i see it turns red when you press it once..

im sad
maybe im stupid.. but i cant figure out how to quote things..

and the word ''quote'' isnt allowed in the search :crazy:

i played with it for awhile .. i see it turns red when you press it once..

im sad

Hit quote, then hit add reply, and it appears, just like magic!
maybe im stupid.. but i cant figure out how to quote things..

and the word ''quote'' isnt allowed in the search :crazy:

i played with it for awhile .. i see it turns red when you press it once..

im sad

Hit quote, then hit add reply, and it appears, just like magic!

OMG MAGIC!! I feel very stupid but oh well.. thanks! :drool: :drool:
maybe im stupid.. but i cant figure out how to quote things..

and the word ''quote'' isnt allowed in the search :crazy:

i played with it for awhile .. i see it turns red when you press it once..

im sad

Hit quote, then hit add reply, and it appears, just like magic!

maybe im stupid.. but i cant figure out how to quote things..

and the word ''quote'' isnt allowed in the search :crazy:

i played with it for awhile .. i see it turns red when you press it once..

im sad

Hit quote, then hit add reply, and it appears, just like magic!

OMG MAGIC!! I feel very stupid but oh well.. thanks! :drool: :drool:

and for your next trick
hit quote on each post you want to quote
hit add reply and hey presto :)
maybe im stupid.. but i cant figure out how to quote things..

and the word ''quote'' isnt allowed in the search :crazy:

i played with it for awhile .. i see it turns red when you press it once..

im sad

Hit quote, then hit add reply, and it appears, just like magic!

maybe im stupid.. but i cant figure out how to quote things..

and the word ''quote'' isnt allowed in the search :crazy:

i played with it for awhile .. i see it turns red when you press it once..

im sad

Hit quote, then hit add reply, and it appears, just like magic!

OMG MAGIC!! I feel very stupid but oh well.. thanks! :drool: :drool:

and for your next trick
hit quote on each post you want to quote
hit add reply and hey presto :)

lets see what happens when i do this ^
But be careful around some members, they might get annoyed by the continuous abuse of the Quote function to reply with one liners, LMAO. Hehehe :lol:
... be careful around some members, they might get annoyed by the continuous abuse of the Quote function...

Just a little note on that one. The quote function is fine to use and is actually very handy in many occasions, but try and only quote the part of the post you need. Posts are often 10/15 lines long and you'll only need to quote a small part of it. Once quoted and typing your responds you can simply delete the parts in the quote that you feel are not necessary to be left in. That way the quotes will be a lot tidier and easier for people to read/scroll past.
but try and only quote the part of the post you need. Posts are often 10/15 lines long and you'll only need to quote a small part of it.

Like this? Sorry but I had the same question and felt too stupid to ask lol
Like this? Sorry but I had the same question and felt too stupid to ask lol

Nope, not like that ;)
You want to only delete the text that has been typed out by the person you're quoting, not the actually [qu0te] tags ;) You'll want your quote to start with [qu0te] or [qu0te name=...]and end with [/qu0te] (note: the o in the quote examples has been replaced with a 0 by me to stop the text turning into an actual quote. When doing this yourself, type it as quote and not qu0te). If you want it to say who you have quoted and when the original post was made you also want to leave that in. In my case right now, that means that I want to leave this whole line:
[qu0te name='Barbie Bubbles' date='Feb 17 2007, 05:30 PM' post='1494039'] (once again, replace 0 with o for it to actually work).

... I had the same question...

is actually written out as this:

[qu0te name='Barbie Bubbles' date='Feb 17 2007, 05:30 PM' post='1494039']
... I had the same question...
But be careful around some members, they might get annoyed by the continuous abuse of the Quote function to reply with one liners, LMAO. Hehehe

haha! that would be me!

yuck I hate it when people quote the whole thing and then post "I agree!" or something, grrr.


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