How Do I Tell

hi,what do the eggs look like?if they go whitey cream & fuzzy looking (no longer a solid shape) there probaly peppered cory eggs took 5 days to hatch.after a few days when i looked with a magnifying glass i could see black dots inside them (starts off as white dots),this is the fry.give it another couple of days and see what happens & what the eggs look like then.out of the 20 eggs i saved 2 didnt hatch (obviously unfertilised) & 2 fry died during hatching so the odds are that some if not all are fertilised.are you keeping an air stone directly under them to help prevent fungus? :) x
Hi thanks for replying!

I havent noticed any sign of fungus as yet! The eggs pretty much exactly the same as they did when I found them on Wednesday! Yes I have an airstone with them to keep the water flowing over to try and prevent fungus!

I hope some hatch as I have never raised baby corys before! Luckily I have brine shrimp hatchery up and running for my baby bettas so any that do hatch will get fed!

How soon after hatching do you feed them?
when they hatch they have an egg sac underneath them which they feed off.some people say to start feeding after 48 hours others say after 3-4 days.i started feeding after 48 hours cus i wernt sure & to be on the safe side.are the eggs in a bare bottomed tank?i put some white paper under my tank so that the fry were easier to spot when they hatched as they are tiny.remember that when you do start feeding them you have to keep the bottom of the tank really clean & do daily water changes.i use a turkey baser to suck out any uneaten food etc.not sure if baby brine shrimp will be small enough for the fry to eat (i never used it).i feed mine microworms but they started off on lquifry while i was waitin for my culture to grow.if & when the eggs hatch dont put any other fish or fry in with them as they will get eaten (they really are that small!!).
like i said,give the eggs another couple of daysor so.if there not fertilised then they will almost certinaly fungus,so you should soon know either way! :) x
no probs natsuko!i know how trying a time it can be waiting for yor first ever cory eggs to hatch.i was well panicing when day 4 came & they hadnt hatched but leaving them alone that extra day made all the diference.i think breeding live bearers is easier than egg layers cus you get almost instant results!keep us informed on how it all goes & just remember that pepperes are quite prolific spawners so if things dont work out this time you may get more eggs in a few weeks & be able to try again!!! :) x
hey flumpit, it seems like you know very much about breeding corys. I will probably be getting a tank very soon and i wanted to breed Corydoras Trilineatus in it, anything special i need to do? Any info on them?
I'm really happy I've just been peering at my cory eggs and I saw movement within at least 5 :D , needless to say I have some which have fungus but I was expecting that! Cant wait not sure if they are due to hatch on Sunday or Monday but it's not too long!

Livebearers dont really appeal to me anymore, I just got rid of my platies the other day as I think I'm going to stick with trying to breed and raise egg layers such as cories and bettas!

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