How do I tell the sex of my Guppies?


New Member
Mar 3, 2004
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:/ Help
I jus got a bunch of guppies from a friend for my son fish tank but I forgot to ask her how to tell the sex? Anyone have a sure way to tell are the ones with dots on the fancy tail male and the plain colored ones female? thats my best guess lol.
Thanks in advance for any help
:fish: Female guppies are usually larger than the males with a drab body and smaller tails with just a little colour in them. :)
The male s on the other hand are very flashy with long flowing brightly coloured fins and tails, sometimes the bodies are brightly coloured as well. The males are also smaller than the females and a lot slimmer :D
If you want to have a few baby livebearers, get two or three fat female you can tell they are females due to their fan shaped anal fin unlike the males elongated gonopodium- see pictures the male (platy) is on the left and the female platy is on the right.

That's Williams info in his pinned thread under the livebearers section. Since you're new to livebearers, post questions on these fish there to improve your chances of getting good advice. :D

Also, female guppies are drab, as was said before, and their color is primarily in their tails. If the female has strange markings or spots on its body, its kids might also have that spot regardless of gender.
By the way, I just noticed that you're new, so :hi: to this forum.

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