How Do I Tell If My Snail's Dead?


Feb 2, 2008
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Urbana, IL
I know...this seems like a dumb question. One of my bettas water turned foggy. Tonight, I noticed her picking at the snail, which was turned over on it's back, and had a bubble-like thing coming out of it's shell. The foot that normally hides the snail didn't move when I removed it from the water. Is it dead?
If it smells like bad eggs then it's definitely dead.
I was told that when the snail died its 'foot' or thingee that closes it up will release and the snails body will kinda fall out. It just happened to me like that but the fish ate most of the body by the time I found it! :sick:
If the snail has an operculum, (the little door it uses to close its shell up) try getting a finger nail under the edge of the operculum and lifting it. If the snail is alive and well it will resist this and hold the operculum shut. A dead snail will not and the snail will probably come out of its shell.
mine stayed in the shell, but when i took i tout the water, my room stank of rotten eggs for hours. :sick: :sick: :sick:

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