How do I tell her?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2004
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My auntie is great, but whenever I go to her house I can't help but notice a 3 inch goldfish (maybe a little smaller) in a 1/2-3/4 gallon bowl, no airation/filtration ect. I want to tell her that its cruel to keep a fish like that, but she doesn't know any better, and I don't want to sound offensive, or like I'm telling her what to do. It gets fed ect. but I don't think they use dechloriantor either. I haven't been able to bring myself to say something for fear of sounding rude, or snotty. What would you say? -_-
Why don't you suggest an oxygenating plant like cabomba or elodea, but dont mention the techincal stuff to your aunt just say it's for decoration.
Does your aunt read English well? I need to know this in order for my advice to work.

If you believe she'll be hurt by advice form you, give her a book on fish as a gift. If she understands it and it's easy to read, she'll see what she's doing wrong. A cheap, helpful book can be found at Walmart. it costs around $4, but it has all the basics such as dechlorination, feeding, stocking, etc.
Even if he/she does, no dechlorinater, too many fish, too much food, no maintanence will kill the fish. :nod:

If nothing else, come right out and tell her that she's wrong. She's probably already sad that the fish die, so she can't be all that worse off if you're gentle and take time explaining it...
tempestuousfury said:
She's probably already sad that the fish die
The fish isn't dead. Its just in too small of a space, goldfish need 1-2 gallons per fish because they are extremly fast growing, and messy fish. Also if you added a plant the fish couldn't move at all!! It needs a bigger home! The bowl is like the size of a cantelope. I'm not sure how much water.
It's way more than 1-2 gallons for coldwater fish! More like 10 gallons for a 3" fish.

I assumed she kept getting new goldfish to replace dead stock... It might live, but it will definitely not be happy. :no:
tempestuousfury said:
Does your aunt read English well? I need to know this in order for my advice to work.

If you believe she'll be hurt by advice form you, give her a book on fish as a gift. If she understands it and it's easy to read, she'll see what she's doing wrong. A cheap, helpful book can be found at Walmart. it costs around $4, but it has all the basics such as dechlorination, feeding, stocking, etc.
this is exactly how i would do it
just give her a simple book as a gift (skim through it first to make sure its correct)
just say, i see how much you love your little fish and i wanted to get you something for it
then maybe add a little plant or something small and decorative
this will make it more of a gift and less of an obvious subliminal message :shifty:

over here you can buy a 10 gallon for $10 at petcetera
you could also get her this as a birthday gift (hoping her birthday is sometime soon :lol: )
its the tank only (no filter or canopy or anything)
which is good enough
maybe your mother could pitch in and add some nice gravel and a couple plants
just tell your aunt its a much deserved home for her little finned baby ;)
tell it to her as it is 'cos if she cares about the fish then she'll thank you for it. Or she could just do wot my grandma does tell you she knows best and gives you a slap round the back of ur head for telling her
sumer_kay said:
My auntie is great, but whenever I go to her house I can't help but notice a 3 inch goldfish (maybe a little smaller) in a 1/2-3/4 gallon bowl, no airation/filtration ect. I want to tell her that its cruel to keep a fish like that, but she doesn't know any better, and I don't want to sound offensive, or like I'm telling her what to do. It gets fed ect. but I don't think they use dechloriantor either. I haven't been able to bring myself to say something for fear of sounding rude, or snotty. What would you say? -_-
Ask her this:

"Auntie, what are you going to do when your fish dies in a few days?"
Ask her this:

"Auntie, what are you going to do when your fish dies in a few days?"
i know your just trying to help her but i wouldn't say it that way
if you decide to just come out and tell her,
be soft, and respect the fact that she is your senior
you wouldn't want to make her feel stupid or embarass her for not knowing would you?
just offer to help and tell her stories of when you first kept fish and made mistakes
over here you can buy a 10 gallon for $10 at petcetera

wow dude if tanks were that cheap here id have my room full of them

and my living room and my parents room and even my neighbors rooms....
handsomeboy said:
over here you can buy a 10 gallon for $10 at petcetera

wow dude if tanks were that cheap here id have my room full of them

and my living room and my parents room and even my neighbors rooms....
only the 10gallons are unusually cheap,
and they don't even come with a canopy (just the glass box :crazy: )
but they will be great for a goldfish ;) ,
ot maybe 2 :hyper:
Nope I got it figured out! I will give her a tank, (maybe 5gal or something) and ask her if she wants it for her goldfish because I don't need it anymore :) that way I don't even have to say anything, I'm just being nice. And then..If she asks why she would need it, I can explain it to her:) She wont need all the extra stuff, it will be happy just to be able to swim :) It will be Summers ADOPT A FISH PROGRAM! LOL!! :wub:

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