Fish Crazy
Ok. If anyones read my previous post you have heard that a mystery has just wipped out my entire tank 30 or so fish dead.
I have cheered up a bit by looking at it as a new challenge. Bigger and better and all that thing.
How do i rebuild the tank ie. clean it?
Can i do it in such a way that i dont kill the bacteria in the filter media and noodles?
I was thinking of washing the filter and noodles in a heavy salt solution and then putting them in my 10 gallon medical tank with a air pump and heater and adding ammonia while im rebuilding the tank to keep it going. Will this work?
I have cheered up a bit by looking at it as a new challenge. Bigger and better and all that thing.
How do i rebuild the tank ie. clean it?
Can i do it in such a way that i dont kill the bacteria in the filter media and noodles?
I was thinking of washing the filter and noodles in a heavy salt solution and then putting them in my 10 gallon medical tank with a air pump and heater and adding ammonia while im rebuilding the tank to keep it going. Will this work?