How Do I Remove Silicone Seal From This Tank?


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
South Australia
Hi all,
I have this fighter tank. I think it looks good like this, but the fish just aren't happy. I'd like to take out two of the dividers, to make this a tank with just two, bigger sections. I'll give away two fish, and have two hopefully happy fish left, instead of four miserable ones. The problem is, I don't know how to remove the silicone sealer, that is holding the glass dividers in place. Can anyone tell me if there is a relatively easy way to do this?

Here's a pic of the tank:

Single edged razor blades held firmly in a pair of vise grips works wonders for removing silicone.
What do you mean about a pair of vice grips. Isn't a vice something you have attached to your work bench? Do you mean some kind of tweezers? Excuse my ignorance, I'm not very handy.
Vise grips look like a pair of pliers, but have a screw mechanism to lock them like a vise. When you lock them down on the blade you don't have to concern yourself with squeezing the pliers, and can concentrate on control. The edge works wonders for slicing between glass that has been siliconed together.
You may know them as "mole grips" available at any hardware store or pound shop !


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