How Do I Move The Eggs Safley


New Member
Nov 9, 2006
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i have found today my bronze cory scattering eggs i have moved a fair few safley out of harms way, but there are a clutter on the glass two other clutters have already been attacked by my other fish i need to save this lot, they are hidden behind my filter that i can move when it comes to moving the eggs.

i have realised that they are very delicate and easily destroyed :(

this is the first time my corys have spawed and also unexpected as i wasnt trying to breed them.

so how can i move them safley, any advice is welcome on what i need to do with them thankou very very much all

claire :)
When moving my batches I used airline to syphon them out into a cup and from the cup into the new tank they're being moved in to. I'm sure there's many other ways of doing it, but this has worked wonders for me =)
so how can i move them safley, any advice is welcome on what i need to do with them thankou very very much all

claire :)

if you can wait a few days they will 'firm' up a bit and be less delicate so easier to move
if they are on the glass you could try knocking/scraping them off gently with something like a credit card...

good luck with them, they grow quite quickly, if you can rear them in a fry tank with liquifry to start with and you might be able to put them back in your main tank within 4 weeks
Hi clairelouise97 :)

Welcome to the forum! :flowers:

I found your other thread and combined it with this one so both answers would be kept.

By now you probably have the eggs moved and are thinking ahead to raising the fry. I would strongly suggest that you look for some microworms and begin growing them. They are an inexpensive source of food that the fry will thrive on.

What kind of tank or container did you move the eggs to? If you didn't add an airstone to provide water circulation over them, it would be a good thing to do as soon as possible.

Bronze corys are prolific spawners, so if you have problems getting this unexpected batch to hatch, you can be pretty sure you'll soon have an opportunity to try again. Here's a helpful article to read about the subject:

Please let us know how they do, and don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have. Good luck with them. :D

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