how do I move a tank?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
I am thinking of relocating my tank to another room in my house. My tank is as described in my sig, and sits on a sturdy wooden stand. The fish population is also as in my sig. Ideally I'd like to leave them in the tank to minimise the disturbance.

My plan is to emtpy 3/4 of the water into a holding area. This should be enough for the fish to survive with (??) I will then lift one end of the tank onto a dolly (bit of wood with wheels), and then lift and maneuvre the whole thing the few metres it has to go. I will then re-fill the tank with the stored water so as not to shock them all too much.

I believe that I could complete the operation from start of removing the water to putting it back within 30 minutes. The fish should only be at 1/4 tank for 15 minutes. Surely this would be better for them than catching them all and putting them in a bucket??

Thoughs please??? :thumbs: :thumbs:
Never ever lift a tank if it's not empty or fully supported on it's bottom. This will stress the glass.

If you really want to do this, get as many buckets as you can (buckets that never had water).

Put your fish in the buckets and save as much water as possible.

Empty the gravel as much as possible and take out decorations too.

Then move your tank and the stand in your new room.

Poor water back in the tank and place your gravel and everything else like it was.
Wait for temperature to come back to what it was and put fish back in (i would do the whole adaptation thing again as you will probably have to change most of your water anyway)!

It won't take you much longer (it might be faster too) and it will just be safer.

even f you take out 3/4 of the water
1/4 of 283 liters is still 70 liters
with gravel and all, your tank would weigh at least 250 pounds ( a 20 gallon tank much smaller then your hols 75 liters. With gravel and water, it weighs well over 200 pounds)

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