How Do I Make A Canister Type Filter


Fish Crazy
Mar 3, 2007
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i've looked at a few things but i still need info on what to do,

im looking to use it for mechanicl filtration, the tank is 55gal so i could use a coulpe of powerheads to do the job, that do you guys think i could do

links would be good

cheers jake
Am not sure what you are trying to achieve, I think you are a brave bloke to do DIY filters, especially when second hand filter units are relatively inexpensive to buy.
A few gallons of spilt water goes a long way on the living room carpet ( I know from experience and my wifes anger lol )

Do you mean internal canister or external?
tbh i have two externals already, but i have malawi so over filtration is always good, i mite try making a sump type tricla filter

i approx have about 1600l/h turn over plus an internal fluval with half media

basically i like pratting about hahahaha
i had found the petfrd one, but not the other two, im guna either do that or make a sump, but prob go for the canister, i just dont want to go crazy and turn it into a whirl pool lol
i had found the petfrd one, but not the other two, im guna either do that or make a sump, but prob go for the canister, i just dont want to go crazy and turn it into a whirl pool lol

know what you mean. i bought a 2500 lph pump for a 180 litre tank and i had to fit a valve to turn it done lol. when i need rescape it i think ill take the pump out and make an external then and use it to pump water back (the pumps actully a pond pump and can be used external/inline)
well i have modified my idea,

im now going to make a trickle esq filter, the pump will be in the tank, attached to pipe, this will then pump water into the bottom of a plastic bin, the bin will be at the side of the tank, and approx 5" taller too.

inside the bin will be a small shelf, then layered on top various filter media, about half way. then out of the side will be two over flow pipes that go to the top of the tank to return the water.

kind like a sump but easier to make and should turn the tank over 3-4 times itself :good:

in theory haha
right i have finalised my plans now, im going to make a trickle filter located above the tank on a shelf, it will have a 2" return, and i will use one of my 1000l/h pumps to lift water onto the flow plate

its going to sit over the tank on a heavy duty shelf with brace

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