How do I love thee?


Fish Crazy
Mar 3, 2004
Reaction score
Southeastern U.S.
I just had to post and tell everyone about my new love. I've been trying to decide on a centerpiece species for my living room aquarium, and tentatively chose the Celebes Rainbow fish. I've never seen them in any of my local shops, and I ordered a school from a breeder early last week sight unseen. They arrived last Friday, and - ooooh boy. :wub: They are magnificently stunning - surpassing my greatest expectations. No picture I've seen of them even comes close to how beautiful they are in person. This is an uncommon little fish (at least around here), but worthy of attention.

In a moment of inspired silliness, I jotted a little haiku in honor of my new little guys and gals, so *ahem* if you will... :fun:

Great Blue eyes pierce me.
Gracefully you dart among
The flora. Here! There!

Black and yellow sails
Open and close so all see
How handsome thou art!

Streaks of yellow and
Neon blue bring tears to eyes.
I am not worthy.

Oh, fly little fish!
For thou art true grace and love
and majesty all.

Having gotten that out of my system... needless to say, I'm happy with the fish, and just thought I'd tell everyone how nice they are (IMHO, anyway), if you've not seen any. Celebes Rainbows rock. :)

awwwww :wub: So glad you're in live :wub:

I kinda fell in love with some rainbows once upon a time, they're beautiful fish, congrats!
Wow. That was beautiful! :clap: I've got to see the fish that inspired such prose! Hope you can post a picture, or maybe I'll run out to the lfs, see if he's got any.

I'm very happy for you! Enjoy! :)
I just moved about six months ago and at present have no clue where my digital camera is stuffed away. I'll try to find it. Of course, getting one of the fish to be still long enough to get a decent pic is a horse of a different color. :S

That haiku was so beautiful that it made me cry :-( :)

Well, not really. But it was very nice! Congrats on your new fish. :thumbs:
Well I'm glad to hear others singing the praises of rainbows. I've never seen the ones you're talking about, but I have 4 different kinds in my aquariums (bosemani, Irian Red, Madagascar, and turquoise). They're awesome fish.

Cool haiku!


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