How do I know when my platy will give birth?


New Member
Aug 17, 2003
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My femal platy is getting really big....and somtimes she hides behind plants and stays in the corner of the tank at the bottom. Does this mean she is going to give birth soon? Should I put her in the breeding tank right away?
does her belly have an almost squared off appearance? look like shes about to burst at the seams? she's acting very ready to give birth, go ahead and move her but keep an eye on her.
She isnt extreamly huge but I always do see her hiding. However, I think she just maybe be trying to hide from the male...Maybe she is getting stressed out. :/
maybe..... i dunno i would just keep an eye on her and hwat going on in the tank that sthe bets thing to do maybe leave it for few days then decaide what to do :D

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