how do I know my pleco is eating?

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Fish Addict
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hi everyone... maybe this is a silly question but hopefully someone will humour me with an answer.

I have a rubber pleco that I rarely see (only if I sneak up on him early in the morning) Anyways... every other day i drop in half an algae wafer for him before I go to bed. By morning it is gone... but I've never actually seen him eat it. Is this a problem? How can I be sure that it's not just dissolving?

Thanks for any replies... don't want Wally to starve on me!

I got him about 3 weeks ago. I don't think the others are eating the food... would platties and mollies eat algae wafers?


try watching your plecos in the dark, you'll be surprise how active they are. Generally after the pleco has adapt well to the tank, it'll come out to feed with or without lights.
I don't give my plec algae wafers anymore because all the other fish eat it way before the plec even knows it's in there. I think most fish love them. My plec is good about eating the algae on the plants and glass. There is plenty of it.

I've seen posts on here where people have suggested turning off the lights on the tank for about 5 minutes before going to bed and then drop the algae wafer in. That way the other fish won't see it. That method worked for me for 3-4 days until the other fish wised up and figured what was going to happen shortly after the lights went out and gobble it up as soon as I dropped it in there. It might work with you though.

My plec rarely eats the flakes at feeding time, even though it has started swimming at the top of the water (upside down) all the time. It seems healthy otherwise so I'm assuming it's eating plenty of algae.

Good luck.
Here's what I do. Since every fish in my 25 gallon tank, except the betta, eats the algae wafers, I give them three to five everyday. That way, the fish don't fight over them, and everyone gets to eat. I may have a bit of an advantage though, because my plec loves my cory when he sees them eating off of the wafers, he comes out of hiding and eats with them. ;)

But I do agree with everyone else here...your plec may just be shy. If you know where his favorite hiding spot in the tank is (a rock or under some driftwood) drop a wafer close by. He may just feel too exposed to eat out in the open with your other fish. Having the wafer closer to a spot where he feels safe may just be the trick to getting him to eat.

Hope this helps! ;)
I had the same worry when I first got my Plec, but I found if I drop it in after lights out, he will eat it. The other fish do go for it, but when the Big Fat Plec comes out, the others know whos boss and let him eat!!!
Thanks to all who replied. I do know where he hides so I know that he's alive and well... I'll try some of the suggestions you gave and keep my fingers crossed.


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