How do I intro new fish?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Devon, UK
I have been keeping fish for just over a year now, I have done my research (mainly here, hope some people remeber me) before buying each fish, my small tank was complete I was done!

Over time however I have lost some fish and am now at a point where I wish to make up the numbers and add to my schoal's
I have lost 2 pentazona barbs, 2 black phantoms and a neon tetra I also brought my rosy tetras when I knew nothing of fish and only got a pair and am finding it hard to find the same species again (it seems my local fish shops market two similar fish as rosies and I cant find MY more attractive kind for love nor money)

Soon I will have to introduce some small fish to the set up containing my slightly over zealous albino rainbow shark (a strange fish that recognises only cucumber and shrimp as food and doesnt even glance at the increasing algae around him, and who refuses point blank to hide from the light and stays up sunbathing on my air pump, he will not act shark like no matter how many times I read to him out of the fish book how he is meant to act!!) and I am worried he will harm any newcomers

I have no second tank to rear them in, what can I do, is this a genuine concern do you think?
the only way 2 intrduce tetras with big fish is try ova and ova they wont accept it at first but if you keep adding them in the tank they will eventually be ok with it
Thats the only and best suggestion?

Keep adding them til its sick of eating them???!!!!

I have had some success with adding the fish with the tank lights off and the natural light minimal. Also i ensure that there are plenty of hiding places for the smaller fish such as a thicket of plants or caves etc. Also i usually add the smaller fishes just after meal time. Dont know if that matters but its what i do. HTH :)

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