How Do I Get Rid Of Blue Green Aglae?


New Member
Jan 30, 2005
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I have blue green algae really bad in my tank. I have tried everything to get rid of it. I have done a black out for 3 days and it was clear for a day but then it grew back. It is all over the glass, plants and ordamints. I really stinks to. I always scrape it and take it out but it always grows back Is there any way I can get rid of it?
do u have spare tank???? mayb if its that bad u could do a complete water change, and wash all the ornaments, plants etc me dad done same when he normal algae going mad all over the glass,

dunno if that will work i never had blue algae yet but its an idea if ya do go with it dont forget clean actual glass to though. other that im stumped but some more experienced here should know m8
BGA is a bacteria and not an algae
treat the tank with an anti-bacterial medication.
I've read that bga tends to take hold in a tank with low nitrAtes, what does your nitrate reading tend to be at?
I dont know. I should be getting test kits some time this week. What would be a good kind to buy?
From what I umderstand it might be best to gut the tank and start again from scratch, rather than adding medecines.
You need to identify the cause of the BGA and remedy that.

BGA is caused by poor bio-filtration (or overstocking), lack of water circulation, poor husbandries i.e. stagnant substrate, low nitrates (in a heavily planted tank) or high nitrates in sparsely planted tank.

Maracyn (antibiotic) will kill the BGA but it will probably return if you don't remedy the cause.
Maracyn is the trade name for erythromycin which is commonly prescribed. So if you have an old prescription lyou can use that.
could it be down to your lights bein to bright/ high wattage etc???
Where would I buy Maracyn. The only pet stores close to me are petcetera and petsmart. Would they sell it or would i have to get it from a vet or doctor something?
there is an antibiotic thats available over the counter in the UK too that works for blue-green algae - I had a breakout of cyanobacter and treated with this, along with a blackout of the lights for about 4 days. Completely eradicated the problem. Cant remember the name but will check tonight and post tomorrow
its called Neoplex by Seachem, it was about 6-8 quid for a tube. its a powder that you add about one measure per 5 gallons or so, but lasts a fair while. they have a website but i cant find the link at the moment

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