I do like her and don't get me wrong i don't mind her hiding too much if only she'd come out sometimes.
I meant 5-6" sailfin plec btw.
See this is why i don't make a point of naming sizes of tanks and tankmates:
"I would be surprised if even a full grown black knife, of double the size of your's, came out in daylight if housed with an Oscar & a green terror even if the tank were big enough - your tank isn't." - Diademhill
There's always one that has to be a dick isn't there? The Oscar's soft as sh*t and gets on with everything and the green terror's scared of it's own shadow. They're hardly huge and/or aggressive so that crap can be wholly discounted. BTW Diademhill i'm dying to see the pictures of you 10 foot tank ya big expert you!
As for the moonlighting Wonderboy i shall try that and the feeding earlier, it's just not too easy cos i'm not at home all that much to be honest.
Plus she's not scared cos she comes out after about 10 mintues of darkness i just hear a big whoosh and can see her silhouette scavenging and shooting about all over the place like she owns it so no, not scared.
I'm simply asking for suggestions on how to see her best. Wonderboy, thanks for your suggestions at least.