How Do I Get My Betta To Make A Bubblenest?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 14, 2006
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ok so i purchased my first male betta today... he is the cutest!!

anyway, i think im addicted because i want to learn how to breed bettas and go ahead and give it a go...

obviously i need to save some money first, buy all the correct gear (including more tanks!) and persuede my other half that there not a waste of money!! hehe...

One question though... how do i get my male betta to make a bubble nest? what does he require?
Obviously one way is to put a female in his sight. Otherwise, many will do it when they're happy, healthy, and want to spawn. Floating plants and very slow/no current generally encourage them. It also dpends on the betta, though... a couple of my guys just don't make bubblenests, while my other ones do it all the time!
cool... ok. I only just asked out or curiosity (and before i had read the pinned section on here about breeding!) but thanks for the info..

once im read to breed, ill let the males see the females.. that should get him going!! :D
mine sometimes do it to see who can make the bigger nest. They'll have a big flare fest at one another which sets them off to blowing. my CT is the bigger bubbler, but if there's a girl nearby, the VT will go at it wth just as much gusto.
Give him time to get settled in and he'll make one for you if he's happy and healthy--altho...I have one who is so lazy he sits under the bubbles that come out of his corner filter like they're his. Why do the work when automation will do it for you? That's how machines are making ALL of our lives just that much easier. :lol:

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