How Do I Find Out The Gph On A Power Filter?


Nov 4, 2003
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i have like 3 power filters that i dont know the sizes of, i need to know how many gallons per hour they do but i dunno how to check them...

also btw you want the total gallons of the tank to be cycled 5 times per hour right? ie a 10 gal tank would need 50gph power filter right? im pretty sure its 5
it all depends on the setup but over filtering is always good so aslong as the fish arent pinned to the side of the tank by the flow its all good...

as for finding the gph just try a google search for the name and model. of not there may well be a stickert or embossment on the actual pump that may tell you
The GPH stated by the filter companies are without them having the filtration in them, being dirty etc.

The higher the GPH the better but like mentioned, you don't want them living in a whirlpool.

What type of fish is this for? That makes a big difference. I always shoot for a minimum of turning the tank over 10x an hour but with the fish I have now I am at 15x an hour and they are fine. Others wouldn't be.
for all my tanks, the fish vary... BTW you guys have before told me it should be on the side ITS NOT... i even just bought a new one, knowing its 200gph i still couldnt find it anywhere on the power filter
i could, but i dont got a computer (im useing my moms) and itd take me forever to actually get them on here though...

ill tell u what will be in the pics, this black overflow with no name or anything on it... the motor got serial numbers n where it was made n whatnot but thats it... just plain black overflows...

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