How Do I Do This?


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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I was looking for a real expert to tell me how to change my freshwater tank into a marine tank. I have been told so many sides and i was wondering how to do it and what parts of my freshwater tank I can keep.

thanx :D
Well, your not off to the greatest of starts im afraid, lol! :lol: I think this should ideally be placed in the "Chit Chat" section of Tropical Salt Water. UNless of course, your after a Fish only system.

Refer to this thread (seen below), and whilst im not a qoute "expert" read my advice I gave to drag. Then come back, and tell us what kind of Livestock you'd like to keep! :)

Hi mate,

Im currently in the same process, I'm going the fish and live rock only route.

I have taken everything out my tank, you obviously cant keep the plants, rock or bogwood. You can keep the pumps (need around 2) heater (need 2) one for the tank and one to heat up the water change bucket, you can also keep the tank (if its in a good condition) and also the thermometer.

I had a jewel tank and ripped out the heater section, this is where the filter pads where as these aren't required as live rock does this for you (also a bonus as it gives you more space.

Other than that if your going the same route as me I beleive a hydrometer, salt, ro unit, coral sand and another thermometer (for your mixing bucket) to be it. Oh and also a blue tube to give the fish a better viewing light.

If your going the coral route then expect to pay lots more and require ALOT more.

I think thats correct as im also new to marine.
Hi...welcome to the less visited half of the TFF forum homepage (well, we're still pretty cool). :hi:

Converting a FW tank over to marine actually in not hard at all. However, LEARNING marine first prior to doing so is the challenge. The typical FW tank is fine (unless it's been treated with chemicals). Most times the FW filter can be altered/modified to hold filter media appropriate for marine. Heaters are equivalent, but, you want to make sure you have a reliable one.

The best first step before starting is READING. Trust us on this one. Start with the FAQ pin section in marine and then pick a book to start off (check out the realm of knowledge pin). I like Paletta's book and Kurtz's...basic. I challenge newcomers when they come here to, instead of getting a list from us, to come up with their own plan/design/equipment list and then post it back here ask for comments. We love to jump on those. Most of your list is done:
-filter media
-live rock

Welcome aboard. SH
More like less visited 74th of TFF. Literally 1/74th of the replies on tff are in the Tropical saltwater section. Its the replies that matter, not the posts.
to make things simpler i am trying to either make it a fish only system or a fish only with live rock.

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