How do i cycle my tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2004
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How do i cycle my 29g tank i have a 30g with a canister filter should i rinse the sponge out in the 29g or should i buy fish and cycle it how do i no when its done cycling.
I need to the basics of cycling
I am currently in the process of a fishless cycle now. I have found the articles and resources on this site to be very valuable. The only comment I can add is to be very patient.. it will pay off in the long run when you don't have to deal with dead or dying fish! Good luck!

It can take up to a month and a half to cycle a tank though a month is generally more common. Patience is definitely a virtue and you'll want it to guarantee your fish live longer than a few days. Ammonia and nitrites are literal poisons to fish so you'll want to wait for the bacteria that eat ammonia and nitrite to establish first.
Definatley let the process 'run to the full' it will be worth it becuase your water will be a lot easier to maintain

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