How do I cook meat for fish?

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Fish Crazy
Jul 7, 2003
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Oklahoma (although I wish I wasn't)
Hey all,
I'm having a tough time with my crayfish. I need to find some meat for him to eat before he gets my platies. I tried some tubefix worm cubes but he just ripped it to shreds. I can't get any feeder fish yet. Can I cook some bacon or ground beef, or give him tuna or chicken? Please help, I've never had to make dinner for them before. :*)

Well, I'm having the same kind of trouble with my crabs. They r in the crab tank :rolleyes: on their own but they just won't eat the sinking pellets or fish flakes. The food just dissolved in the water b4 the crabs get to it. Rite now I've bought some food originally for terrapins and hope they'll eat it.

In ur case, perhaps u can give them some prawns or mussels? I've tried giving my crabs those crab sticks, and cooked fish, but they won't touch those too.
He might not be big enough to eat mussels. What if I tried some earthworms? or maybe live bloodworms? Would those work? He seems to like food that moves around.

Yes he'll eat those too! But just beware if u feed him bloodworms. I tried giving my crabs bloodworms but I put too many in (seeing they dont eat when I pu the worms in, I put more n more in front of them hoping they'll grab some of them), and of course they can't finish all. Few days later some of the worms hatched into little flies! :X Luckily I caught them in time!
I used to have a male betta that was exceptionally picky. The only thing he would eat was raw ground beef! He lived to a ripe old age of 4 years old on the stuff! I would just roll it into tiny balls and drop them in his tank. He finally got so he would take them right out of my hand. Maybe the crabs etc. would go for it. Just a suggestion. :D

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