How Do I Clean Silk Plants?


Fish Crazy
Jan 27, 2011
Reaction score
New York
I decided to go with silk plants because they look so much more realistic than plastic but I can't seem to get them clean. I've only had them a few weeks. The "leaves" look like they have brown alge growing on them. I tried cleaning them by running them under water but I don't think they look much better. Is there a product made for this or a way to clean them that I'm not aware of? Thanks!
i had the same problem but i got a toothbrush and gave them a good scrub with that and it came out fine :)
I just rinse all my silk plants in old tank wayre whne doing weekly water change. A lirrle algae makes silk plants look more realistic and provides food for fish but if it becomes a problem try rubbibng plants gently with sand to remove algae without using nasty chemicals.
i soak them in water with sterilising tablets for a few hours. The type used to sterilise baby feeding equipment. Thoroughly rinse in water and then soak in dechlorinator and water.
get siamese algae eaters. they won't get silk spotless because some algae remains in the thread/gaps of the silk but you won't get an excess of algae on the leaf surface. and zero effort to maintain!

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