How do I clean my tank????


New Member
Oct 12, 2003
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Beautiful California!!!!!!

I have a 45 gallon tank and it's been established with fish for about a month now.
What do I need to be doing to keep it clean?

I read that I should change 25% of the water on a weekly basis? How does this work exactly? Do I need to treat the new water before it's added to the tank?

First off, do you have test kits for Ammonia, NitrItes, NitrAtes, Ph and the like? If not, that should be you next purchase. If you have had the cycled tank running with fish for the last month, it probably could REALLY use a cleaning now. Your NitrAtes could be very high.

As for cleaning the tank, you have 2 options. Purchase a regular gravel vacuum and buckets or a Python system.

With a regular vac, you will need buckets to put the used water in when you vac/clean, and to mix up new water for the tank (use seperate buckets). Then you simply put the vac in the tank with the hose end in the bucket (or out a window if possible), start the syphon and vac. Be sure to plunge the vac into the gravel (if you have sand, just wave over the top or you'll suck it all out :p ) Add new water by filling a bucket with tap water, add dechlorinator, mix and pour.

With the Python, it attaches directly to a faucet (inside or outside). You drain and fill through the same hose. No buckets required. Follow above steps with vacuuming. However, you still need to dechlorinate. I mix the dechlorinator in a bowl of water and slowly pour it in as I fill with my Python.

HTH :)
you may wanna age the water before putting it in to replace the lost water. do not pour all straight as it may give the fish a fright and mess your substrate
Get the python. It will make cleaning the tank so much easier and you will clean it more frequently and then your fish will be healthier. It takes me less than 5 min to clean out and refill my 20G. The python is the best fish accessory I've ever purchased. Here's a link to where I got mine.
I use a siphon to clean my tank. It's cheap, easy and does a good job of cleaning. (And no, you don't have to suck on the hose!) :S

I just don't trust the Python. I don't like the idea of adding water that may or may not run at a consistant temperature from the tap and I feel better dechlorinating as I go along. It doesn't take much chlorine (as I understand it) to kill bacteria and I would hate to be just a little too late adding dechlorinator after the water is already in there.
What you need to do for changing the water is simple. All you have to do is take a large pitcher or cup and take out 1/4 of the water. :hyper: Then put luke warm water into a pitcher and decloronate the water. Do this about once a week to once a month. Try it! Hope I helped!!! :D
gourami fan said:
What you need to do for changing the water is simple. All you have to do is take a large pitcher or cup and take out 1/4 of the water. :hyper: Then put luke warm water into a pitcher and decloronate the water. Do this about once a week to once a month. Try it! Hope I helped!!! :D
You REALLY should siphon the water from the bottom, not just take it out of the top of the tank. :nod:

This is because, if you do not do this the waste products from the fish will accumulate in the gravel and pollute the water. This is especially important if you have any bottom feeders that live down there.


Ashtin 49 :) While you are cleaning your tank, take a sponge or cloth and wipe down the inside glass to remove slime and any algae that may be beginning to grow there. The filter will remove any bits that come loose and get into the water. It just takes a minute and makes the tank look really nice.
I've got a gravel vacuum (syphon type) on a weekly basis (more if needed) I'll give the sand a clean and change bout 20% of the water. To fill I've got a mini pump made by black & decker (less than £10 to buy) and you just attach it to a drill and it'll pump the water out of the bucket straight into the tank, makes really easy.
hey lithril why do you pump the water into the tank? why not just pour? is it cos it's less stressful for the fish?

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