How Do I Change My Tropical Set Up To Marine


Jan 25, 2009
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hello i have a 20 gal tank and currently use it for tropical fish. how hard would it be to change to marine.

what would i need

i currently have a filter, heater and twin t5 lights in my aquarium

would i need protein skimmmers or anything else.
im completely new to marine and have no idea where to start
What do you want to keep? Fish only, Fish only with live rock, reef set-up? If you want a reef, what type of corals?

Tell us as much as you have planned, or what you may want in the future and then we can help :good:

All the best
What do you want to keep? Fish only, Fish only with live rock, reef set-up? If you want a reef, what type of corals?

Tell us as much as you have planned, or what you may want in the future and then we can help :good:

All the best

thank you.

well basically i would like to have a couple of saltwater shrimps (the red ones with white legs)

and a couple of clown fishes and maybe1-2 dwarf angel fish would like to have live rock in there too.
So a FOWLR set-up. Are you fussed about corals?

Most dwarf angels need a 50g tank, so I'm afraid they will likely be a non-starters most likely. They are often coral munches, and I'm a reefer, so not something I've researched in deapth, as they are of little likelyhood of getting into one of my tanks for that reason :sad: I'd await confirmation from someone else, but you likely will have to scratch them I think :sad:

For a 20g, I'd do a Berlin style system. In english this means you will need;

About 20lbs of Live Rock (approximately 10KG)
Protien skimmer rated for a 40+g system (you overskim in the Berlin method)
Two powerheads rated at 200GPH each, to make 400GPH turn-over. If you stay FO, you'll get away with two at 100GPH each though :good:

That's all the equipment you need :good: For corals, you *may* need different lights for some hard coral species, but most softies will be Ok with what you have :nod: The filter could be loaded with Phosphate remover as an optional extra, but on the whole, filters under the Berlin set-up are not disireable. They need regular cleaning to prevent them becomming nitrate and phosphate factories. This said, that's not too bad if you are staying FO ;)

Skimmers aren't essential, but they are recomended for beginners, as they give you more stability in the system. They can also prevent nitrate and phosphate build-up's, though there is some debate over that... All in all, I'd recomend a skimmer, though you can get away without if you want to go that route :nod:

All the best
So a FOWLR set-up. Are you fussed about corals?

Most dwarf angels need a 50g tank, so I'm afraid they will likely be a non-starters most likely. They are often coral munches, and I'm a reefer, so not something I've researched in deapth, as they are of little likelyhood of getting into one of my tanks for that reason :sad: I'd await confirmation from someone else, but you likely will have to scratch them I think :sad:

For a 20g, I'd do a Berlin style system. In english this means you will need;

About 20lbs of Live Rock (approximately 10KG)
Protien skimmer rated for a 40+g system (you overskim in the Berlin method)
Two powerheads rated at 200GPH each, to make 400GPH turn-over. If you stay FO, you'll get away with two at 100GPH each though :good:

That's all the equipment you need :good: For corals, you *may* need different lights for some hard coral species, but most softies will be Ok with what you have :nod: The filter could be loaded with Phosphate remover as an optional extra, but on the whole, filters under the Berlin set-up are not disireable. They need regular cleaning to prevent them becomming nitrate and phosphate factories. This said, that's not too bad if you are staying FO ;)

Skimmers aren't essential, but they are recomended for beginners, as they give you more stability in the system. They can also prevent nitrate and phosphate build-up's, though there is some debate over that... All in all, I'd recomend a skimmer, though you can get away without if you want to go that route :nod:

All the best


thanks for all that info. yeh to be honest i would like to just start of basic so the shrimp and clownfish would be the only fish for now..

not really to fussed about corals would rather just have live rock and keep it basic. less things to go wrong as im a beginner, obviously once i get more experience then will maybe branch out and upgrade my tank.

so all in all what would you think the price would be bearing in mind i have the tank, and heater and lighting..

Live rock round my way would be £127-50 for 10Kg from the shops, or about £50 if you get it from a reefer thats stripping down their tank.

Two powerheads, I'd go for Tunze Nanostreams, about £40 each delivered.

Skimmer, you can get an air driven for about £60 all in, or a second hand Tunze MCE 300 would do at about £50. there are also Aquamedic HOBs and Deltec to look at for motor driven options in the same price bracket :good:

All the best

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