How Do I Breed Neons ?


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Ive Got 6 Neons

But I Dont No If Ther Is Even A Female In There They All Look The Same To me :lol:

But I Want To Breed Them

And I Dont No Anything :lol:

Soo Anyone No More Than I Do -_-
Neon what? Tetras?-if so you should post this in the characin section.
look at the blue line on the fish, the males have a straight one, and the females a line with a kink (due to the womb and eggs)

there virtually impossible to breed in home aquaria
If you are serious about it you are going to need soft water for a start.
You don't have to worry about it, I moved it for you.

Neons are a tough one to breed. Softer water with a lower pH, shallower water with a layer of marbles is a good start.
You don't have to worry about it, I moved it for you.

Neons are a tough one to breed. Softer water with a lower pH, shallower water with a layer of marbles is a good start.

Thank You :D
My Neon Tetras keep trying to breed but as soon as the eggs are released by the female the others soon swim in and the eggs are eaten in seconds! Not that i want to breed them i just leve them to it and if any egg/fry survive then good on them. So far none have made it.

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