How Do Females Act Towards Eachother, And Why?


Feb 7, 2004
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Taylor. Michigan
Well, after my attempt at a female community tank plopped, Sweets has been the only gal in her 10g.

I went to a fish store recently and when I seen they didn't have any males, I asked about it, and they said they got girls in instead. I went and had a look to find two gorgeous crowntail girls swimming around with some other girls.

Impulsivly I immediatly told the person that I wanted both of the crowntails, and I took them home.

They are obviously younger, and much smaller than Sweets, but I put them in her tank to see how things would work out.

The two new girls loved the tank till they met Sweets, then they spent some time dodging her. She was flaring and threating them, but I didn't take them out. I didn't plan to unless the chasing was to the point where they could NOT get away, or if it lasted more than a few days, or if their fins were getting nipped.

Suprisingly enough, their fins did NOT get nipped. Not even a tear. And, day by day, Sweets became less aggresive towards the girls, but when they seen her, they knew to not just sit there in front of her, and moved away.

BTW, the two girls just love eachother, they stay together a majority of the time, and follow eachother around. No quarrels between the two.

Anyway, after just 4 days, all quarreling had stopped. When I came in the room, they all three rush to the window, and Sweets did not mind that they were all over her. :p

Now it almost seems as if the smaller girls idol her....Following her here and there...And sweets doesn't mind.

So, can anyone explain what exactly happened here? I don't know about betta reactions towards eachother... I know Sweets was territorial at first, but why did she stop turning on them? Did she basically lay out that she was the queen of the tank? Did she just get used to them?

I've heard that with betta's together, they distinguish who's boss...But that's with males..In the wild. So, can girls be bosses too?

And if you have a female tank, or have attempted one, I want to hear about it please. ^_^ At first, males were the big thing, but theres just so more oppertunities with girls, and they can be just as gorgeuos. =)

The girls-
Sweets- Full grown viel tail, but gorgeuos, pure, cambodian coloring. Hot red fins, and baby pink/off white body.
Little red- Irredecent green sparkeling all over her body, but when the light isn't shining on her she's blood red, and she has beautiful even rays on all her fins.
Nameless blue- Dark, but shiney blue body, with some aqua green fading in and out near her fins, and a solid black mask covering her head. I find her very breathtaking. ^_^

Their crowns are alot like this Aquabid gal-

I'm so glad I found these at veil-tail cheap-pet-store prices. ^_^ I looove them all.
Female bettas can be territorial as well. And, since Sweets was in the tank to begin with, she probably felt that the tank was hers, and chased the other fish away.

The general consensus on here is that females be kept in groups of at least 4 so no one female gets attacked all the time. However, this is generally in tanks bigger than 10 gallons, since it is difficult to set up territories/ limit interactions in such a small space.

Glad to hear that they are ok now, hopefully it stays that way.
Just ask bettawen (Wendy)
She has a big tank full of females, They have started to learn to accept each other- she has some really nice females aswell- From what she has told me is it takes a while and if you get a chance put them together from the minute they can be seperated otherwise you will get alot of big fights :lol: ,
Thanks. ^_^

I'll have to read through her posts, see whats she's got...Sounds interesting. :yes:

All my girls will be moving into a divided 50gal, and I have to hope that they all get along....Cause I have 2 females that each have a tank to their selves, and I'd like to try to put them together with the other 3, and I'm hoping things go alright between them.

And, hopefully they'll be getting a whole 25gal to themselves....Depending on if I can keep one of my males in my room, so I don't have to divide the tank any more.

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