How Do Feed Fish Frozen Food


New Member
Sep 16, 2007
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i have just got some frozen mysis for my fish im not sure if i feed it to them frozen all let it defrost. if it needs to be defrosted can do it useing hot water or do i just leave cube of it out the freezer. thanks
There's lots of ways to do it. I take the cube out of the freezer and let it defrost in a small dish which I then spoon small amounts out of, into the tank then keep it in fridge. The bloke at my lfs just holds the cube in the tank and swirls it a bit while some falls off. Some people defrost it and strain it through nets. Some people just chuck the whole frozen cube in :crazy:

I wouldn't use hot water to defrost them as it may cook 'em a little. If you want to speed it up a little, dribble some tank water in.
There's lots of ways to do it. I take the cube out of the freezer and let it defrost in a small dish which I then spoon small amounts out of, into the tank then keep it in fridge. The bloke at my lfs just holds the cube in the tank and swirls it a bit while some falls off. Some people defrost it and strain it through nets. Some people just chuck the whole frozen cube in :crazy:

I wouldn't use hot water to defrost them as it may cook 'em a little. If you want to speed it up a little, dribble some tank water in.

I defrost the cube in a small dish with a little tank water in it - this also allows the addition of any vitamin etc supplements if wanted.
I usually bung cubes straight into the tank

Sometimes I put the cube in a fine net and put it under the tap
i defrost and soak mine in either garlic and/or phytoplankton.
i put a little tank water in a shot glass then put in some food and wait for it all to break aprt then pour or syringe it in.
I put some tank water in a small dish with the frozen food (I cut bits off, as a whole cube is too much for 12 tetras!) and let it defrost. Then I spoon feed it a bit at a time.
I have read in a magzine and on the web about the insane amounts of nutrients you don't want in a reef tank which are contained within the juices of frozen food.

I always defrost in a net and give the food a rinse before putting it in.
aye andy, the word is frozen is full of all sorts of rubbish so i cut the cube up in a coffee filter paper pour some tank water over it to defrost and give my boys just meat. :good:
That does seem like it would work better. I have noticed that when I pour in the water and shrimp it is a milky color. Probably would be good to get rid of that cloudy waste water. :good:
Some foods you shouldnt rinse though (frozen food that contains small particles for corals, examples includes rods food etc.)

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