How do Betta's Poop??


Fish Fanatic
Oct 28, 2003
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the question in the topic says it all....are my fish just too dainty to poop? haha, whats goin on??? ~dEx :*
:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's one of my favorite things about bettas, their discretion :lol: :lol:

I'm sure you've seen betta poop, just not him in the act of doing so. I have seen mine poop before, usually after/during a large meal or when they get excited. They do it just like any other fish, but it's more chunky rather than long and stringy (you know what I mean)

I have tons of betta, and I've noticed that they're just like a dog or a cat...they have an area that they do their dirty business in, and in my experience's usually behind a plant or somewhere where no one (the other bettas) can see/watch them. I love that! It makes for easy tank clean up because I know right where to go to find the major messes

There's nothing grosser than looking in a tank and seeing fish swim around carting a foot and a half of poo with them :sick:
haha! I have been wondering the same thing. I have 6 bettas and I've never seen one do it! That's so funny how they do it though! What great fish. All around cool. :lol:
huh!! how bout dat! yeah i've seen lil pooh coils, but my bf saw his betta pooping (we think) the one day and he was freaking out cuz it looked like it was coming out of its gills??? thats not poop is it?? haha to continue the lovely topic of pooh pooh!! teehee ~dEx :*

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