How did you get your pets?

Where did you get your pet(s) from? (besides your fish)

  • pet store

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  • animal shelter

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  • pound

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  • humane society

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  • friend/neighours

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  • breeder

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  • other

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  • combination of some of the above

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  • Total voters


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2004
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Under the Sea..
:wub: I got one of my cats from the street (she was a street cat and no one claimed her), my other cat from my cousin (her friend had a street cat who gave birht to some kitten in his backyard) and my puppy from my uncle(but he got it from a pet store.)
we got one dog from someone who was moving and didnt want to take it. our puppy came from the humane society. One cat we got from a lady whos cat had kittens, and our other cat is from the humane society. My hamster is also from the humane society.
I got my cats from the SPCA, but I picked them up at someone's house. She takes care of around 20 SPCA cats at a time because she can care for them better than the SPCA can. :)
all three of my cats are from the RSPCA rehoming centers :D
:thumbs: to all of you!

I found Zion under a car when he was the size of my hand. He's the best cat I've ever had :wub:

Squishy was stolen from my brother. I'm just kidding, he gave him to us because he and Zion are best buds and couldn't bear to be separated. He orginally came from the pound/animal shelter.

Tiger was given to me by an ex-boyfriend (now deceased :-( ) They were going to give him to the pound because they were moving and cats were not welcome :grr:
African Grey, dog and one cat from breeder, fish from LFS, other cats we 'bred' (by accident!lol) and horse came from a strange Irish man who shipped him over for me :D

* EDIT - i see now that it says "Besides your fish"... Nevermind! :D lol
I adopted my dog from the Chicago Anti-Cruelty Society. It was his second time in the shelter. His last owners said they were moving and couldn't keep him. He was at the shelter for 2 monthes before I adopted him.

He's the happiest dog I've ever seen. :D

I doubt I would ever buy a dog, there's too many homeless pets that need good homes. :)
Got my little Min Pin from a Breeder. him and his little Sis was the only ones left.... Wanted both but could only talk my mom into getting one lol ....

He's my little Angel, I can't sleep if he's not at my feet or somewhere in the bed (lol although he take's the whole bed !!!!!!!!!!!)

My mom bought my mini poodle bentley as a graduation gift for me four years ago. I got my toy poodle Shortie from a friend who couldn't keep him anymore. My boyfriend got our cat Nermil before I met him, when she was a kitten...she's 12 years old now. And we got our cat riah a few months ago when she kept coming to our house begging to comeinside. :wub: :D

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