How Did You Get Your Betta(s)?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 10, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I was just wondering, how did everyone get their betta(s)?

My stories aren't interesting or anything, but I thought I'd share them anyways! :)

I got my first betta when I was 7 or 8. My teacher at the time had one and I got to take him home for the weekend while we were out of school. I instantly started begging my mom and dad for a betta. (Hey, I was 7, begging worked! :D ) So, they let me get a betta from the LPS. His name was also Rainbow. He was a pretty VT and wasn't just sitting there in the little cups, and for all that my family knew about fish than, he looked healthy. He lived in a 5 gallon tank with 3 albino cory catfish for 2-3 years until age got the best of him.

Now, since I missed having a betta around, I started researching on their care, food, etc. Since I knew nothing when I had my last betta. Then, I bought a tank, figured out how to cycle it, and (Not) Sushi came home. He looks a lot like Rainbow, the same colors, both are/were veiltails, etc. They have the same personality, too. (Swimming around, flairing at everything in sight, and eating like pigs :D )

Now, how did you get your betta(s)?
Well I got one betta from my mother when I moved out of my parents house because she didn't want me to get lonely. :wub: His name was Wanda, and my cat made a snack out of him. So I finally started learing about bettas roughly 6 months or so after his digestion. I learned about crowntails, and stumbled into a fish store one day to find Zale, a crowntail mister for $4. I immediatly brought him home.

My second betta is from WalMart, rescued 03-16-05. Last night. I'm working on getting him in better health cause he had been nipped to all heck when I found him.

And that's my story.
Well, my first betta I got about 2 years ago from Wal-Mart... He doesn't have a name! :) But is still living happily!

My second Betta I rescued from Wal-Mart because he was hidden behind a ton of boxes, so he came home and now lives with my future Mother-in-Law.

My third & fourth bettas I adoped from wuvmybetta, they are a CT and a MG Delta... Named Nitro & Mi Ti!

And recently ( tonight, 3-17-05 ) I bought another CT and a resuce boy at Wal-Mart... One of them will be going in my mother's office at work... Not sure which one yet! :hyper:

Had many before those guys, but just recently started looking in more detail about Bettas in general... getting VERY addicted!!... :p
my first was Al(bino) - who was white...very creative. only had him a few months.
then came my boy blue - guess what color he is? -_-

then after having blue in about a pint container and feeding him every few days and changing his water ever week or so, i discovered TFF..... :thumbs:

and then the addiction set in... :wub:

i got him a 1 gal tank :fun:

i found 2 combtails kyuck (punch) and chagi (kick) when i went to pick up some miscellaneous fish stuff at petco. they are combtails, and i had never seen anything like that, so i bought them 1 gal containers and brought them home... :D

then i got a 5 gal minibow and moved the combtails to that (divided) and lo nd behold, i found a beautiful double tail female (jaws) and crowntail (bubbles) AT WALMART and they went into the 1 gal tanks that were not empty long enough to dry out! :rofl:

then a member named yeeviabetta ran a tsunami fundraiser and sent me thailand (male) and sumatra (female), both crownmoons, so i had to go buy some more tanks... and i found a beautiful blue cambodian combtail (hao (sky)) and almost cellophane VT (hi ma (snow))at petsmart. so i got a few more tanks and brought them home as well... :kana:

now i am setting up a 20 gal female community, with the girls that i have, and some new ones...

oh, and one of wuv's adoptee bettas has my name on it, ready to be delivered when boston comes out of winter (his name is merlin)!!! :cool:

that is the short version of my betta history.

i have had blue for over one year now!!!

my boyfriend now has 2 bettas at his apartment.... :whistle: i wonder who started his addiction.... :unsure:
We had a betta a few years ago as the family pet and he lived for about 3-4 years. Then my sister wanted another one so we picked out another one and he died because she gave him a water change and didn't know she had to add dechlor so he died the next morning. He lived for 2-3 years. Then my sister picked out a new betta and we decided to put him in my 10 gallon I got last Christmas, but when I was cleaning the filter I forgot to put the end of the intake tube on and the next morning her new betta was sucked into the filter. :-( :byebye: So I felt bad and went out and bought her a new one. He sat in an unheated bowl and I felt bad for him so I bought a 10 gallon for him and took care of him. So now he is named Angus and he is my betta since I am the only one who takes care of him. :p

Then my little sister picked out a female betta as she wanted to mate them. :rolleyes: She is also in my room and mine now. Her name is Pea Princess. :thumbs:

Then I adopted 12 beautiful female plakats and CTs from wuvmybetta for my 120 gallon.
I got my first bettas when I was a freshman in college living in the dorms. I hadn't had them for years but recently had become very interested in all fish, but my place is way to small for a large aquarium.

A few weeks ago for my anniversary my girlfriend decided to buy me a betta, she took me to petsmart so I could pick him out and she helped me pick out a nice tank for him. So, that's how I got Yuki :)
Walmart rescue hee hee. Out of 20 betas on the shelf he was one of 4 that were still alive.
I demanded a store manager and made a huge scene.
I was in a pink dress and piggy tails bawling my eyes out so when I was done a lady offered to stay with me until we could find my parents.
I thanked her and explained to her I was 22 years old. :lol:
I had excactly enough cash to buy one beta plus a tank. Bought the "least pretty", since none of them are ugly, and brought him home with me.
Breezer turned out to be a very handsome little man once all his color came back. Now if we could just get rid of this darn ick! :X
We got our first tank almost a year ago and almost immediately I starting pestering him for another bigger one. Since that didn't happen I tried the reverse and suggested maybe i could get a little tank (or two :p ) and get some bettas.
Now hubby reported that he HATES bettas :grr: so I thought the case was closed. But... he surprised me for Christmas with a nice 1 gallon tank (although it came with the condition that I keep it at my office and NOT at home -_- )

Funny thing is.. I've had Finnigan for about a month now and hubby just saw him for the first time on sunday. He leaned in had a good look and said 'ooooh..he's really cute!! Maybe we should get one of those for home' :whistle: :fun:
It all started about a year ago.

I was sitting at my desk, I had finished all my homework, I had just beaten the only game really worth playing at the time, I had wrist cramps so I couldn't build models or draw my comic -- so I said to myself, "OMFG, you need another hobby."

So I bought a betta. And another... and another... and another.... one year later I have 20.
"Funny thing is.. I've had Finnigan for about a month now and hubby just saw him for the first time on sunday. He leaned in had a good look and said 'ooooh..he's really cute!! Maybe we should get one of those for home'"

Nows your chance! Go buy more!!! :D :p :D :p
Well, started with the 5gallon bowfont 'goldfish tank'. Realsied I couldn't keep goldfish in there, bought a heater, and found the only thing I could keep in there was a betta. So, after it had cycled, I went and got me a red VT. Called him Hannibal, now I'm waitng, just waiting for the moment I have more space, then as many 4.5gs as I can fit, and I might even pursuade my sister she wants one too :shifty:
I bought this 2.5 gallon tank from Home Hardware and decided to go stock it the next day at Wal-mart with a bright blue betta and a gold mollie. It didn't have a heater or a light or a filter. Little did I know my betta would perform brain surgery on the mollie. :sick: Mr. Betta died about a year and a half later because I overdosed him on Melafix. Ooops. :/

Then I tried to restock my tank after all my fish died because of my dad doing a water change so I bought another one.

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