How can I?

Sep 8, 2005
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North Carolina
Hey everyone, Iust thought of a good idea, maybe. What if you would get a 10 gallon and put dividers in it so it would have 10 1 gallon tanks. The only thing I could think of that would be a problem is getting the tank, filtrated. How could I get all 10 little sections filtered evenly? I'm thinking about getting everything for it around christmas, so I got time to get some ideas.

P.S. should I use glass dividers when I get it so they can see each other?

P.P.S. I was thinking of putting 5 girls on one side and 5 males on the other. Sound like a good idea to anyone? Or is it just another bad idea?
Lots of people have split 10 gals. My idea was to put the filter in a section all by itself in the middle of the tank with a couple of plants in front to mask it. Then have some males on one side and females on the other side. I've never seen glass dividers, but I know a lot of people make their own with report covers, aquarium sealant, and canvas dividers. (I did it that way). Or you can buy the typical 10 gal dividers, but the ends are large and bright blue.

I don't think it's a bad idea at all!!! But I would leave alone section for a filter. One that has almost no current. I wouldn't go for 10 bettas or even 9 bettas sectioned off because the front view of them would be very small. I would go for three bettas on each side and a filter section. But, of course that is just personal opinion.
The ultimate_fish MaC dAddY said:
Hey everyone, Iust thought of a good idea, maybe. What if you would get a 10 gallon and put dividers in it so it would have 10 1 gallon tanks. The only thing I could think of that would be a problem is getting the tank, filtrated. How could I get all 10 little sections filtered evenly? I'm thinking about getting everything for it around christmas, so I got time to get some ideas.

P.S. should I use glass dividers when I get it so they can see each other?

P.P.S. I was thinking of putting 5 girls on one side and 5 males on the other. Sound like a good idea to anyone? Or is it just another bad idea?

I wouldn't reccomend it. If one catches a disease all of them will get it. It would be especially devasting if it were dropsy and they could easily jump imbetween and kill each other. Also, with such small compartments it would be very hard to clean. So many dividers would also seriously reduce the effectivness of any heaters or filters. Also you wouldn't be able to add all the fish at once or the ammonia would build up very fast. you'd also need to buy very porous dividers which would probably run up a high bill. It would be very hard to pull off, good luck if you try it. I'd seriously reccomend fewer compartments if you do.
thanks bettaBetta, maybe it wasn't that good of an idea, it just hit me.

here is an older topic by me, what do you think bettaBetta?

Hi all, I just came on here from I'm not exactly new)but I was wanting to start a black and white tank, now if that don't sound wicked enough I was thinking about putting a red betta in there. Now would that look cool? Or am I just going crazy?
The ultimate_fish MaC dAddY said:
thanks bettaBetta, maybe it wasn't that good of an idea, it just hit me.

here is an older topic by me, what do you think bettaBetta?

Hi all, I just came on here from I'm not exactly new)but I was wanting to start a black and white tank, now if that don't sound wicked enough I was thinking about putting a red betta in there. Now would that look cool? Or am I just going crazy?
Do you mean by "starting a black and white tank" that you'd only add balck and white gravel, ornaments, etc? If so, then go for it. Sounds cool to me.
The ultimate_fish MaC dAddY said:
white gravel, black caves, black and white plants, and a white background. But what if I did it for a 1 gallon? Would that still look cool?
Hard to say. It's really up to your taste. It won't cost too much for supplies for a one gallon so try experimenting.
Elise said:
Lots of people have split 10 gals. My idea was to put the filter in a section all by itself in the middle of the tank with a couple of plants in front to mask it. Then have some males on one side and females on the other side. I've never seen glass dividers, but I know a lot of people make their own with report covers, aquarium sealant, and canvas dividers. (I did it that way). Or you can buy the typical 10 gal dividers, but the ends are large and bright blue.

I don't think it's a bad idea at all!!! But I would leave alone section for a filter. One that has almost no current. I wouldn't go for 10 bettas or even 9 bettas sectioned off because the front view of them would be very small. I would go for three bettas on each side and a filter section. But, of course that is just personal opinion.

Actually I found a divider that had black ends, so it looked better. But I didn't divide it more than three-ways. My CTs are rather big with all the finnage, and I like this split better. They have more space and they are as happy as I can figure. I have one CT, Donner, that doesn't seem as happy, so he may become a bowl betta soon, and I'll get another CT to replace him in the 10g. I just don't think he actually likes the space. There is no current on his side, and there's plenty of plants and hiding places. Some bettas are just picky. He's a pain in the rear, what I go through to make him happy!

Dividing it into 10 sections can technically be done, but I don't think you or the bettas will like the layout of each section. The sections will be awefully thin and tall.
can I keep 2 girls in a 2.5 gallon tank? I found another girl I liked at Wal-Mart with red fins. But my mom said I can't get anything else, because we're having it hard. She won't even let me get any water conditioner for my Land Hermit Crabs thats infested with mites, she said just to let them die. :grr: right now I'm kinda pissed at her, but hopefully it will all blow over (like that will happen, my mom and my sister both hate me) The only thing that likes or loves me are my fish. :nod:
I think dividing tanks is a good way to start. My veil tail boys are still in a divided 10. They sprnd all day flaring at each other through the screen.

That's a good idea about putting the filter and divider in a separate center section. I will try that with the boys.. Thanks.
Dividing a 10 gallon 10 ways results in compartments that are taller than they are wide and it's really no better than keeping a betta in a 1/2 gallon bowl... they don't have any room to swim around. I've got mine split 5 ways and it's working out really well. I'm using 3 because they are thin enough to fit in the compartments and have adjustable flow. Of course, if disease ever gets started in the tank it can spread like wildfire, but that's the same risk you take when making a community tank, and personally I think it's a risk worth taking for the convenience of a divided tank.
Yes, 10 compartments are far too many. Bettas average 2 - 2.5 inches each and following the roughly 1 inch of fish per gallon ........ 4-5 bettas would be max. That many divisions would be terribly hard to clean and would leave almost no room for the bettas to even turn around. Give them as much room as you can, and they'll thank you for it. :)

And yes, a black and white tank looks awesome. I've done it myself, several years ago. I had black and white mixed gravel, black and white pearl plants and a black background. I had ....... you'll never guess ........ a pair of black and a pair of white mollies in the tank.
Oki poki everyone I've dicided what I'm going to do....

I'm giving my sick hermit crabs to a friend, so then I'll have an empty 10 gallon tank. Then I'm going to pour vinagir, and hot water in the tank and get rid of everything. Would it be ok to put 1 male in with 1 female in a 10 gallon tank, if I put lots of plants on i side? Would they spawn? Then giving slash (my blue/black betta to my sister) or would he care if I gave my two a 10 gallon? I'm sorry, I just think fish have feelings, guess I'm just a good person :nod:

I would give THEM plenty of places to hide, and give YOU GUYS plenty of pictures. Just a question.

P.S. Have you guys ever tried to put a male guppy in with a betta in a 10 gallon tank?
The ultimate_fish MaC dAddY said:
Oki poki everyone I've dicided what I'm going to do....

I'm giving my sick hermit crabs to a friend, so then I'll have an empty 10 gallon tank. Then I'm going to pour vinagir, and hot water in the tank and get rid of everything. Would it be ok to put 1 male in with 1 female in a 10 gallon tank, if I put lots of plants on i side? Would they spawn? Then giving slash (my blue/black betta to my sister) or would he care if I gave my two a 10 gallon? I'm sorry, I just think fish have feelings, guess I'm just a good person :nod:

I would give THEM plenty of places to hide, and give YOU GUYS plenty of pictures. Just a question.

P.S. Have you guys ever tried to put a male guppy in with a betta in a 10 gallon tank?

i would not put the male and female together. you would get babies or dead fish, most likely. i say divide the tanks a few times and put 3-4 bettas (male/female/whatever you prefer) in.

i also would avoid the guppy/betta combo - you would probably wind up with a dead guppy.

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