How Can I Vary Neons' Diet?


Aug 9, 2008
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East London
I decided to take a chance and bought 10 neons on Tuesday. :good: Surprisingly I still have all 10 and they seem to have settled in well and shoal tightly together. I've never kept them as thought they were hard to keep alive! I'm not building up my hopes of them all surviving just yet. These are a decent size compared to some you see in LFS though and seem healthy. Most online sites say to vary their diet. They're taking Tetramin flakes and go mad for it, seem to want to beat each other to it! What else can I give them though as frozen/fresh bloodworms are too big? Tried a cube of frozen brine shrimp yesterday and that even seemed too big though they had a try at it! I give my tanks fresh live daphnia Fridays but maybe that will be too big for them too. Some weeks it's bigger than others. Was thinking of buying a small Aquarian tub to vary the flake. They were fed on that in the dealer's so wouldn't take my Tetramin at first, spat it out but are eating it now.
Live Brine Shrimp, Tubifex or Daphnia, If they are too big then how big are the Neon's they must be tiny. I have Neons ranging from 3cm - 6cm and they can all eat the above.

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