How Can I Tell?

I don't have three lined Cories, so I may be talking out my hat. But in general a mature female when viewed from above will be wider at the girth. If she is gravid she will have a fat white tummy. The males are sleek and svelt in comparison--and often smaller.

I don't have three lined Cories, so I may be talking out my hat. But in general a mature female when viewed from above will be wider at the girth. If she is gravid she will have a fat white tummy. The males are sleek and svelt in comparison--and often smaller.
the girls will be wider when viewed from the top, and a bit larger :) Males will be more thin and sleek. Also, females tend to have a rounded underside, while males have a more flat underside. On most cory species, the fins on one is also more pointed, but I can never remember if its the males or females and which species it applies to. The larger and rounder applies to most if not all cory species though :)

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