How can I raise my KH but not my PH!!!!


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
I think I've asked something like this recently but the answer wasn't really that clear if it was answered.

My KH is a little low.......80.......but my PH is plenty high.....7.6 and I'd like to keep it that way!! Thing is, I keep getting fungus in my tank and my readings are always spot on and I have a good filter. I don't overfeed and algae is rarely a problem. I'm treating for fungus YET again right now and I added a few live plants as a "last straw" type of thing before I start literally pulling my hair out!!!!!! :S I think maybe I have a fluctuation in PH going on because of a low KH which CAN make PH unstable, right???!!!!
This is the SIXTH time I have treated my 55 gallon tank for this "fungus" THIS YEAR ALONE. I've never had any other diseases in the past either!! :no: I've tried taking out the infected fish and medicating WITH salt and raised temp. I put them back in the 55 just to find out another fish had fungus............treating for 6th or 8th time now like I already said!!! There is only the 1 Silver Dollar now that has the fungus and 2 treatments of the fizzy tab Jungle brand Fungus remover didn't work so I bought some more the other night to continue. I really don't know what else to do. I'm at my wits end and feel like giving up completely.......... :-( :-( I've tried liquid meds for fungus and also the white tabs that aren't fizzy!!!!!! NOTHING IS WORKING!!!!!


#1 Could a low KH of 80 actually cause fluctuation in PH?

#2 Can I raise my KH up without raising PH?

#3 If yes, then how?

Thanks a million everyone!!!
80 isn't all that low, really (mine is usually <20, which is driving me batty).

If you want to raise the kH though, baking soda at 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons will increase kH by around 70ppm.
modernhamlet said:
80 isn't all that low, really (mine is usually <20, which is driving me batty).

If you want to raise the kH though, baking soda at 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons will increase kH by around 70ppm.
the baking soda will also raise your PH though.
very tricky change one and u change the other. unless u have some pritty fancy equipment. well you can't without changing ur ph u can put some minerals in the water use the some RO minerals and then u could get a PH adjuster but other than that there's nothing u can do
Maybe you should try and get some BettaMax, it's not just for bettas,it actually says 'angels' on the box and it's really good stuff. Supposedly it won't affect your biological filter and it's a bacteria/fungus killer,maybe give it a shot :dunno: Of course,your tank will be blue :lol: Also check and see if plecs can handle Methylene Blue.

I wouldn't mess with the KH, you may stress your fish. Changing your water chemistry can be like mad science and there's no room for error. If you do decide to alter it, make sure you read,read and read some more on the subject :)

I use a product made by Tropical Science called Amazon Rain, it's a water conditioner for soft water,South American fish. It's kind of expensive but it goes a long way. It..
Buffers water
reduces GH
supplies essential trace elements
enriched with vitamins
provides natural organic compound
live disease fighting Pro-Biotic bacteria

(hee hee can ya tell I'm copying the bottle? :p )

I love the stuff! My orange bettas never ever had a successful spawn until I started using it. I just mix it in with my tap water for the angel tank and the midas'.My L200 tank is more crazy because I use RO (back to the beforehand mentioned mad science) but I use it in there too. You could always go pick up a bottle of liquid trace elements from a health food store. I use those in all of my tanks too.
Really wuv...? :shifty:

Hmmmmm, thinking here!!!! :huh: ;)

So, the stuff for your bettas, is that the stuff that you see in the cups you buy bettas in the stuff that makes the water look blue??

Can you explain in more detail about what it is?? Sounds interesting and I need something severely!!!!!! :-(
Also, I could always take my pleco and cories out of that tank for a while and return them..........or does the methlene blue stuff stay in like salt and not evaporate with time????

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