how can i keep my guiny pig healthy?


New Member
Dec 8, 2003
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I had one guiny pig and some how he cought a cold and died :sad:

That same night me and my mom wint to go and get a nother one so we did and the one that we have now is a smooth heair and he is so nice that he is so fast to chatch him to take him out and hold him. ;)

Any was all I whant to know is how I can keep him healthy and be able to have him for life with me.

I get to close to amimals more than I do to my one boyfreind.

Is that a good thing or not?
Well, don't keep it next to a door or any place with a draft, give it pleanty of sunlight but don't let it get hot, especially if it's a long haired. Always have pleanty of water because they get dehidrated. Don't buy ceder bedding. It's bad for lungs and causes problems. Feed a high quality food and also give some kind of veggie every day like carrots, apples, or lettuce! Make sure the cage is big enough to move around!
Guinea Pigs are wonderful little critters, i so wish i hadn't just ignored mine when i was younger because they are the most personable of all Rodents ^^

first, go to this site: it's a great Guinea Pig site! they have tips on how to keep healthy Pigs, and how to build a cheap and HUGE cage. nowadays, keeping a Guinea Pig in one of those starter-kit cages is downright cruel, because they haven't got space to run. a minimum size is about 2'x3', lotsa space huh? you could never find a cage that big, so pick up some Wal-Mart/Target storage cube grids and linoleum (easier to get than coroplast) and build him a huge Piggie haven!

^^ no cedar shavings, lots of clean water, Guinea Pig food (not Rabbit, i did this and ended up having on Pig die from choking on a too-big piece, and the other form liver failiure) hidey-holes, comfy blankets, and lots of lub on your part should do the trick.

i love my pets more than i love people, my pets understand me, most people don't. i like them, especially because they don't talk back, just give kisses ^^

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