How Can I Get My New Plec To Eat?


Fish Crazy
Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Isle of Wight, UK
He just sits around all day, then at night sometimes munches on an algae rock or sucks the glass for a bit.

I'm worried he's not eating properly - when I put food in (potato) he runs away from it.

He's only been in his new home for a few days though - maybe he's settling in?
Don't worry about this, he is actually feeding himself when he is sucking the glass etc. I hardly ever see mine eat the wafers I put in the tank, but they are gone by morning. :) Is the potatoe still there the next day, if so, maybe you should try a different type of food, maybe wafers? :thumbs:
I put the potato in there in the daytime but read that you had to remove it within 3 hours, so I did that but he hadn't eaten it by then!

Thanks for the advice.
many places (cant find links now - i have so many plec sites in my history folders lol)

they said DO NOT forget to remove it after 3 hours or it will mush up and destroy tank.

LFS said remove after few hours as well
To remove the plec's food after 3 hours is deeply, profoundly erroneous advice. It needs to soften up a while before the fish will even have a sniff, let alone eat it. Possibly someone has heard something about raw vegetables making the water cloudy by going all mushy (which is true, to a certain extent), and tranmogrified that into the idea you need to pull the food out.

Anyway, I've not had much luck with potato, but my royal panaque has eaten all sorts of other things over the 10+ years I've had her. Courgette (zucchini) and blanched lettuce are favourites, but also eaten is the odd piece of soft fruit (e.g., slices of peach), cucumber, and carrot. Other people use broccoli, frozen peas, spinach, and all sorts of other green veg. Don't put too much in at once. For my 7-inch Panaque, I'll put in an inch-thick slice of courgette, and that'll happily last her a couple of days at least.

Above all, she eats wood. Panaques must have access to bogwood, and I personally think it is worthwhile making sure all plecs can get some if they want it. If nothing else, it is good 'fibre', but some species do seem to be able to digest it (e.g., see this).

Also remember many plecs feed primarily at night. There's not a lot of point of putting the food in during the day for these species, though other plecs are more active by day. Don't forget to give the plec meaty foods, too. Frozen prawns are ideal. In the wild they eat all sorts of insect larvae and worms, not to mention carrion, so they aren't just herbivores.



I put the potato in there in the daytime but read that you had to remove it within 3 hours, so I did that but he hadn't eaten it by then!
Hmm, it may mush up after a day+ but i wouldnt say it ruins the tank. Cucumber falls apart but still gets eaten (by my apple snail anyway) and sweet potatoe lasts a bit longer but when it falls apart it is fairly mushy and causes a bit of a mess, but is easily removed. Cant do no harm i should imagine that having a bit of potatoe on the bottom.

Never seen my plec eat anything, only suck on the glass, but he does have wafers in the tank aswell as cucumber so he it isnt like he doesnt have a choice.
I've put a bit of potato in for the night, I will see what happens.

Maybe try some blanched lettuce tomoro - Can I microwave it or does it need to be boiled?

I have some Mopani wood soaking (will need to soak for days) to get the colour out.
Is this wood suitable?
I've put a bit of potato in for the night, I will see what happens.

Maybe try some blanched lettuce tomoro - Can I microwave it or does it need to be boiled?

I have some Mopani wood soaking (will need to soak for days) to get the colour out.
Is this wood suitable?

Mopani will be fine for a common... get normal bog wood if you want to use it with panaque's as the manopi has had the outer coating snad blasted off and its this layer that contains the nutrients they get from eating it. You also need to replenish the bog wood every few months.

Where does this information come from? I've seen ideas along these lines posted elsewhere, but they don't make any sense to me at all. Wood is lignin, and that's what the catfish are digesting. In the experiments I've read about using Panaque maccus, they're feeding cheap wood, such as red maple, and that's pretty uniform all the way through. Ditto bogwood... I can't for the life of me see why a fresh bit is any different to a half-eaten bit.

My Panaque has been eating the same bit of bogwood for the last ten years! It's very smooth, and quite a bit smaller!



You also need to replenish the bog wood every few months.
I've got no experiences to work with - only information i've read about it :*) .

I 'assumed' the 'stuff' that is nutrious was only able to penitrate the surface... again assuming that it is not something that will form in an aquarium hence new bits would be needed.
any of the veg soaked in garlic will get your plec eating the garlic acts as an appetite enhancer.
mine love cucumber, potatoe, garden peas (squashed to get the centre out and discard the outer case), prawns and bloodworm aswell as bogwood and dried food.
the best place for info is or
Thanks for the info everybody!

He was much more active this morning and was swimming around sucking on the glass bless him! :)

I put some lettuce in but I think all the other fish have eaten it... lol
I put the potato in there in the daytime but read that you had to remove it within 3 hours, so I did that but he hadn't eaten it by then!

Thanks for the advice.

Try putting the algae wafers or veg in at night. This is when the plec feels most confortable eating. They like it when there is no other fish around so this is when i feed my plec and it works.

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