How can I fix fighting kirbenisis?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 14, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
I recently bought 2 kirbenisis and they have been fighting but I don't want to seperate them. Can you please help?

*they are both female

PS: Any help appreciated
well I guess that I should askk cause this is going to be asked.... how big is your tank?
My tank is only a nine gallon but I have a bigger one but I only want a small one for my bed room they have tons of space.
Have they got plenty of hiding places, rocks, bogwood etc. You could try making caves of some form, they need to find their own territories. But really nine gallons is not big enough for 2 kribensis of the same sex. You might have got away with a male and female in that size tank, but really the smallest suitable for them is a 20 gallon tank.
They are both the same sex, however I asked for a female and a male and then to my discust the guy pulled out two females. I took it home and then noticed that they really were both females but they have tons of hiding places, They have a huge piece of bogwood plants rocks and a bubble wall that goes the length of the tank (wether or not that helps) but even when the poor thing hides it gets hunted down. I think that the other picked on one is not even a true kirbenis.
carey said:
They are both the same sex, however I asked for a female and a male and then to my discust the guy pulled out two females-
I am sorry but I forgot to mention, I took the female back-the first one was fine but I wanted a male, and then he caught me another one, this was the same guy. :crazy: so I don't want to take it back again it was embarassing enough.
Good news,
The other one started fighting back so the original fish leaves it alone. They are in peace!

Peace at last!

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