How Bout A Motion Sensor?


Fish Crazy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL USA
So most fish don't need a light on, ever. Its just for us, right? So what if I rigged up instead of a timer...a motion sensor. So that whenever somebody is nearby to look at the tank, the light is on - and when no one is in the room to see it, its off. Anyone ever tried anything like that?
i dont think fish would appreciate it, some fish's eyes dont adjust to light quickly and dart around the tank franticly when a light is tunred on quickly
be rubbish in our house, cats would set it off all through the night

also if you've live plants then you need to know how long they are on for.

personally i hate motion sensor lighting, we had one in our office and if you were sat quite still really concentrating on your work it'd go off every half an hr and you've got to get up and wave your arms around to turn it back on again. :rolleyes:
personally i hate motion sensor lighting, we had one in our office and if you were sat quite still really concentrating on your work it'd go off every half an hr and you've got to get up and wave your arms around to turn it back on again.


A little off topic, but we had motion sensor lighting in our office and if you went in at night, when all the lights were off, it'd follow you around one square at a time ... kinda freaky.
A little off topic, but we had motion sensor lighting in our office and if you went in at night, when all the lights were off, it'd follow you around one square at a time ... kinda freaky.

They have one in the bathroom here at my work. If you sit on the crappa too long the light goes out on you. lol

I don't think the fish would mind it anymore than me walking up and turnign the light on whenever I want to look at them.

They make motion sensors that are pet friendly...theres one on my home security system.
Fish are animals, animals NEED a daily "cycle" or they dont know when its night or day :blink: Feeding would be effected, as would sleep patterns... resulting in ill health and reduced immune systems, eventually death :no:

Give them a regime, or get out of keeping "pets"
Fish are animals, animals NEED a daily "cycle" or they dont know when its night or day :blink: Feeding would be effected, as would sleep patterns... resulting in ill health and reduced immune systems, eventually death :no:

Give them a regime, or get out of keeping "pets"

They're about 3 feet from a window, I'm sure thats giving them all the day/night they need. I'm not big on regimes, hasn't killed my kid yet. ;)
I kinda wish for some sort of controller that will ramp up the light and dim it off at preset times rather than just clicking on and off, my golden barbs get proper spooked when the light just goes off.

Dimmable flourescents do exist, but they are expensive and I cant seem to find a timered version:(
Fish are animals, animals NEED a daily "cycle" or they dont know when its night or day :blink: Feeding would be effected, as would sleep patterns... resulting in ill health and reduced immune systems, eventually death :no:

Give them a regime, or get out of keeping "pets"

They're about 3 feet from a window, I'm sure thats giving them all the day/night they need. I'm not big on regimes, hasn't killed my kid yet. ;)

Do you have live plants?.
Fish are animals, animals NEED a daily "cycle" or they dont know when its night or day :blink: Feeding would be effected, as would sleep patterns... resulting in ill health and reduced immune systems, eventually death :no:

Give them a regime, or get out of keeping "pets"

They're about 3 feet from a window, I'm sure thats giving them all the day/night they need. I'm not big on regimes, hasn't killed my kid yet. ;)

Do you have live plants?.

I will in some point I'd like to have java moss...thats probably it. Small tank. The window in question looks out onto my back patio which is completely covered with a large awning. Sunlight doesn't "shine" through the window but does provide significant ambient light. I tend to leave my hood light off unless we have company or I'm in the vicinity of the tank.

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