How big will he get?


New Member
Apr 24, 2003
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England, UK
Can anyone with experience of upside down catfish tell me how big they can get.

I have one and I bought him because I thought he would grow to about 3 inches, however I have recently read an article that said he would reach 8 inches - was this a typo did they mean 8 centimetres?

Can someone let me know as if it is going to be 8 INCHES then I better start saving for a larger tank :crazy:
8 inches sounds about right. I hope you have a few pennies for the new tank :D :crazy:

Don't worry, most people make this mistake, people do the same with plecs and don't realise that these guys grow quick and reach over 12 inches, needing a new tank quickly :-(
Must be a typo,ive never seen or heard of a upsidedown cat getting over 4" but to be on the safe side post a picture in the members pictures section just to make sure it definately is a true upside down cat (syno nigriventris) and not a juvenile of another larger syno species.
Kryten could you please tell us where you got your information that upside down catfish can grow to 8" or prehaps you have seen one this size?Im just curious as none of the ones ive kept have ever exceeded 3" and every book i have ever read says 4" is the biggest a adult male will get to.
Chester Zoo has a massive one, saying that, their tanks are the size of an 18 hole golf course so I suppose he has just grown to fit his surroundings (apparently some fish like goldfish only grow a certain size depending on the size of their tank and the number of fish they live with)
That's a Nigrita not a Nigriventris Teresa so don't worry. However, some dealers label Synos in general as Upsidedown Cats (many spend a lot of their time inverted) so it would be helpful to know what species you do have. Some do only get to 3-4" whilst others (usually the Schall complex) can get to 24".

Heres some info-

Yep, you're right. Only looked at name and went to work on info. Try and get positive info teresa on which syno your fish is. Bear in mind that younger synos' colour can differentiate greatly from that of the adult. Post a picture of your little guy if poss. in members pics. We'll see if we can ID it for you :)
Thanks for the link Gibbo - THATS HIM :nod:

My mind is now finally at rest, maybe I wont need that bigger tank after all.

(I really like the site you linked to)

thanks again :D
Both Scotcat and Planet Catfish are the best Catfish reference sites anywhere, bar none!! :)
I bought four 'upside down catfish' from my lfs. Two of them are still quite small but two got very large (4inches) within a couple of months, and are definately nigrita Is very common for them to be sold as the same thing. They seem to act very similarly and are peacful, apart from hogging more of the food of course!! :lol:

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