How Big Tnak Would You Keep Goldfish In?


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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just wondering...How big a tank would you need for three or four comets? I am not planing on having them just now since I am going to start bigger tropical tank, but in the future...who knows?

Also could they be bred to be a bit smaller? If you breed from smaller and smaller fish which aren't related? What do you think? Would they have problems? Cause I know fancy goldies are quite smaller and not all have problems...

Also I know goldies eat plants but could the tank still be planted with some harder plants (which ones) ?

Four fully grown comet goldfish potentially will require 100gal+ if they're going to be in there for life. They reach 12 inches+ and produce huge amounts of waste, an adequate filtration system alone would work out pretty expensive.



As you can see, they are really only suitable for large ponds. :good:

(BTW, I know the first image is of an oranda rather than a comet, but it still illustrates my point... and also dispels the myth that fancy varieties stay smaller!)
Ideally a 60" x 24" x 18" tank (roughly about 100-113gallons) minimum is what i would recommend for 4 comets :) - a 6ft long by 2ft wide tank would be even better (and you would be able to have more comets in it) :good: .

(BTW, I know the first image is of an oranda rather than a comet, but it still illustrates my point... and also dispels the myth that fancy varieties stay smaller!)

Actually i think thats just a Common Goldfish, a variety which is closer to the Comet in physical appearance :good: .
Also could they be bred to be a bit smaller? If you breed from smaller and smaller fish which aren't related? What do you think? Would they have problems? Cause I know fancy goldies are quite smaller and not all have problems...

Also I know goldies eat plants but could the tank still be planted with some harder plants (which ones) ?


I agree with the tank sizes above, atleast 100g+
Fancy goldfish, also can grow to huge sizes, most people dont know this and they usually end up dying before they can reach their full size. Fancy goldfish can still reach 12 inches.

As for plants, i would try java fern and anubias, both are really hardy plants with "harder leaves"
I've heard of them working, but i've also heard of goldfish eating them. Goldfish are vicious when it comes to plants =P

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