How Big Should My New Tank Be?


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
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Hi all... I got a pleco about 5 years ago and did not realize just how big they can get. (of course, huh?) He is currently in my 35 g Hexagonal tank and the guys at the LFS kept telling me that was fine, although he seems a little cramped to me. I am just getting back into my fishys after a neglectful hiatus (luckily, he seems to be a hardy little guy) and am trying to do some research on getting him a new tank. I really like him so would not want to get rid of him and want to get a tank that will keep him happy. I was told he was a common plec, but after looking at pictures am wondering if he is or not. He looks just like the picture in smithrc's signature. After 5 years of being in a 35 g tank, he is about 5 inches long or so. I have been reading posts here that they obtain full growth after about 12-18 months? Is that true? Will he get bigger? Have I stunted him by keeping him in the 35 g?

anyways, I want to get him a bigger tank soon, but I don't want to have to go bigger if he gets bigger, would rather get him his permanent home now. I was looking at a 90 g tank that is about 48 inches long and that is about as big as I have room for. Would that be big enough for his full growth? Do I need to go that big, or would smaller be ok?

Also, when I move him, will he be lonely if he is in there by himself for a while, or will he be content to be alone? I have noticed some aggression in him lately (some missing fish and he is the only one that it could be). Is this because he is getting mature, because he is hungry, or because he is cramped? What are good tankmates for him in his new home? I have relatively hard water (pH 7.9, kH 80, gH about 300)
Thanks for your help.
Just though I'd reply to aid with the ID (eg so my sig is here)

Our started life in a 50l (15gal) but he soon got a nice new home in a 50gal (before any problems with stunting... he got to about 10" in there (in about a year) and stopped growing - we assumed he was done... until we moved him to his current home a 100gal corner tank - where he started to grow again! hes now about 12".

His colouration changes quite a lot - when he come out of hiding from the bogwood at the back of the tank - he is really dark, but within minits of being on the sand eating he lightens up - I actually sat and watched it happen last night - you and see him changing.

I'd go for as bigger tank as you can, the 90g should be fine. Your right about the aggression - it'll be because he has no space to call his own.

as for tank mates - he should be fine with anything you care to put in there (community fish atleast ;))
Just though I'd reply to aid with the ID (eg so my sig is here)

Thanks for your reply, and the help with ID :) Do you know what kind yours is?

Our started life in a 50l (15gal) but he soon got a nice new home in a 50gal (before any problems with stunting... he got to about 10" in there (in about a year) and stopped growing - we assumed he was done... until we moved him to his current home a 100gal corner tank - where he started to grow again! hes now about 12".

So they will grow when you put them in a bigger tank? How old was yours when he grew the additional 2 inches? If my guy is stunted, I can't imagine that is good for his health? Do you know what the implications are?
I have a Sailfin/Common. He has grown from 2-3" when I bought him last May to 12" now. He is not even one year old yet. They don't all grow at the same rate it seems. I wouldn't buy one for a small tank with plans to move it, you just don't know how fast they will grow. You might get a monster like mine! :)
He's about 2 years old now.

we got him in a november at about 1"

We dont really know what he is - possibly a cross common / sailfin ;)

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