How big? How soon?


New Member
Feb 14, 2004
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Silly question, I know, but how long before I can reintroduce the fry back into the main tank? How big do they need to be before they are ignored by the rest of the inhabitants. I must add that I have 3 cherry barbs, 4 lyre tailed mollys, a few platys, 1 dwarf gourami, and a pair of swordtails. But I am most worried about my sharkfin catfish :unsure: Any suggestions anyone?
Good question!

Molly fry are born fairly large and seem to grow like weeds,I wait until mine are about 3/4 inch long and get some sense about them not to be friendly with the bigger fish. Doesn't take long for a molly fry to get that big,my biggest one is 25 days old and it's as big as a little male I bought 6 months ago. I'd wait that long if you have a catfish with a large size mouth! :)

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