How Big For A Silver Dollar?


If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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how big does your tank have to be for a silver dollar? i currently have a 50gal

is this enough? :)

i can get small ones (3cm) from my LFS
A 50 gallon tank will be fine for a group of 3 to 6 silver dollars providing they are pretty much the only mid water dwellers in the tank, they are very active so will use the entire length of the tank so its best not to have other fish that will get in their way in the tank.

Also remember that they can quickly strip a tank of plants so they are not a good choice if you have plans for a planted tank. They should be fed lettuce and other veg on a regular basis.

i also have other fish in the tank, will these be okay with 3-6 silver dollars?

my fish
2 dwarf guoramis
1 angelfish
3 kribs
1 rtbs
1 sucking loach
2 khuli loaches

:nod: or :no:
Silver dollars can be fin nippers (like any of the larger Characins can) so do not make the best tankmates for things like angel fish and gouramis which are easy targets. I wouldnt recomend them with your current fish.
green tiger barbs can be fin-nippers too, i have 2 of them in a community tank containing a betta splendens and no harm has come to the betta (or its fins for that matter) it all depends, i fins that if fin-nipping fish generally tend to nip the new fish in the tank rather than the ones which were already there, so my theory is that if i put the silver dollars in, they may not nip the current fish as they are not "newbies" to the tank :/
Well its your own choice and it sounds like youve already made up your mind.
I've always liked the look of Silver Dollars (Because of its Piranha like apperance) but what I want to know is when you get a small group of these do they actually nip each others fins?
I have 6 in a 70g tank with various other South American Characins, Cichlids and catfish. While they are not as nippy as say Serpae teras they do occasionally nip at each others tails and dorsals when loosely schooling. When i had a couple of juvinile severums in the tank a while back the silver dollars nipped their anal fins every time they came close. They are very closely related to pirahna's so the fins and scales of other fish (as well as whole small fish) probably form a portion of their wild diet, the ones i have certainly enjoy eating whitebait and other meaty foods which the other fish have left.
I have 6 in a 70g tank with various other South American Characins, Cichlids and catfish. While they are not as nippy as say Serpae teras they do occasionally nip at each others tails and dorsals when loosely schooling. When i had a couple of juvinile severums in the tank a while back the silver dollars nipped their anal fins every time they came close. They are very closely related to pirahna's so the fins and scales of other fish (as well as whole small fish) probably form a portion of their wild diet, the ones i have certainly enjoy eating whitebait and other meaty foods which the other fish have left.

Ok cheers - How long does it take for the fin to grow back to normal? (I guess it probably depends on the size of the bite/nip) But as a guide?
well, my mind wasnt made up CFC, considering the size of my tank and my fish, how many silver dollars do you say? still 3-6?
With angel fish and gouramies i say none, their long dorsal/anal fins and adapted pelvic fins are tasty targets for fin nipping Characins. Also the angels are large bodied fish occupie the same area of the tank as the silver dollars do which cuts down the available space for them to swim, a 50g is the minimum size for silver dollars IF the middle area is dedicated to them.

How long does it take for the fin to grow back to normal?

Depending on the size of the nip with clean water and a healthy diet the fins usually completely grow back within 10 to 14 days.
okay, thanks for the advice CFC, ive decided against silver dollars :)
Another reason why I was slightly put off SD's was I read they can be very skittish (spelling?) Is this the case CFC?

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